
(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

James McCormick wrote:

Who's criteria?  Great question, jerome.oneil - seems that some groups aren't happy unless they can somehow feel superior to other groups.

For instance, some say Mormons aren't Christians because they see the Book of Mormon as being as important as (or as being a part of) the Holy Bible.  Some say any faith tradition not based on Apostolic Succession is invalid.  Some say any tradition that does not accept every word of the Bible as literal truth are not good enough.

It all seems rather silly to me - but some religious types would rather get all worked up over doctrine and dogma and theological minutea rather than investing their time and resources doing good things.

For me, the proof is in the pudding - if an individual or group is doing things then they are 'good'.  If what they are doing is making themselves feel better about themselves by simply criticizing others, then they are behaving like a wacko cult.  James

That pretty much sums up my thinking perfectly.  I call it the "My voodoo is better than your voodoo" outlook.  It never seems to click that it's all voodoo with them.

I've always felt that the role of the church (of any stripe) had nothing to do with God.   I don't believe anyone has the absolute truth, and that God speaks to us each individually.  The plan for you isn't the plan for me.  Given that, the role of the church is to foster communities where that kind of exploration can thrive.  Any church that tells me they know what God's plan is for me has pretty much already failed.

The doctrine and dogma types I refer to as "book worshipers" as they've allowed their book to become a graven image that blocks them from what they're supposed to be looking for.

This peanut brittle thing has me re-evaluating my position, though.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I actually have a big collection of 45s.



(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Who's criteria is it they don't meet?


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Taylor.   I think they sound better.


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

guitargirl21 wrote:

hey jerome.oneil,

washington state is the where i live. if youve ever heard of centralia and chehalis, i live about 15 miles or so from there. you are prolly like 2 hours from me. pending on the traffic.  what kind of music do you play???

I know where both those places are.  Just south of Olympia, about half way to Portland.

I play bass in a band, and guitar for my own amusement.  The band plays mostly straight up rock/country/punk.  Mostly originals, with the occasional cover thrown in for good measure.


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

last_rebel wrote:

An interesting fact about pentecostals: they hold the secret to the world's greatest peanut brittle.....


I may need to renew my interest this particular Christian faith!


(27 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

last_rebel wrote:

lol jerome thats funny about the ford.... and the johnny cash thing
But yeah black is cool, i like black. In an AC/DC back in black or a johnny Cash man in black way.....
.... but skinny little men in tight pants playing with thier hair and winin' cuz they cant go to the emo concert cuz they have to clean thier room.... lol give me a break

I am the father of a teenage girl.  I know these things well.

All them emo kids are terrified of me.  Might be because I showed them the hole I'd put 'em in if they got out of line.

I like it that way.  big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

That's the way it is in the US, too.  Copyright is implicit once the work is in tangible form, like a recording.   If you have a recording of your work from two years ago, and SuperBand 2000 has a smash hit with it tomorrow, you win.


(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Cut a short demo CD, and hand it out to booking agents.

Never pass on an opportunity to play in front of people.

Get your music on line.  Use mySpace and other social networking sites to your advantage.

But mostly, never pass on an opportunity to play in front of people.  Open mic nights are your friend.


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

last_rebel wrote:
jerome.oneil wrote:

Well, here in the states we have a clear division between our government and our churches.  Our constitution is clear that our government may make no laws establishing any religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion.  Jefferson called this "a wall of separation between church and state."   What this has led to is a huge number of churches and faiths of all sorts springing up all over the country.   So as a nation, we have no church.  As a people, we do.  Primarily protestant varieties.  Baptists, Presbyterians,  Episcopalian, etc, along with a vast number of non-denominational churches.  I can go to Seattle and walk from a Mosque to a Jewish Temple to a Catholic Church.

There is a great African American gospel tradition in this country, mostly in the south.    This stems a lot from the blues and folk history that sprung during reconstruction after our civil war, and emancipation.   It's truly great stuff.  If I were God, that's where I'd go for my music.  big_smile

just thought I would clarify on something. A protestant is a group which came OUT of the catholic church and seperated itself from them. Baptists came from the Ana-baptist movement which was completely seperate and never associated with the catholic faith.... as were the methodists if im not mistaken.
There are quite a few non catholic churches in America, but not all are prtoestant.
Im kind of a church history buff lol smile

I did not know that, and it is very interesting.  I had always just assumed there were Catholics, and Protestants of various flavors.  Must be the Irish Catholic in my blood.  big_smile


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The UK has a state sponsored church, and they have no specific protection of religious freedom, although it is there in practical terms.

The state church is a huge difference.  We could not, (nor should not) have that here.


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well, here in the states we have a clear division between our government and our churches.  Our constitution is clear that our government may make no laws establishing any religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion.  Jefferson called this "a wall of separation between church and state."   What this has led to is a huge number of churches and faiths of all sorts springing up all over the country.   So as a nation, we have no church.  As a people, we do.  Primarily protestant varieties.  Baptists, Presbyterians,  Episcopalian, etc, along with a vast number of non-denominational churches.  I can go to Seattle and walk from a Mosque to a Jewish Temple to a Catholic Church.

There is a great African American gospel tradition in this country, mostly in the south.    This stems a lot from the blues and folk history that sprung during reconstruction after our civil war, and emancipation.   It's truly great stuff.  If I were God, that's where I'd go for my music.  big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have a friend who at one time had every instrument in the Ovation linup, from their mandolin and uke, all the way down to their bass.  I like the Ovations.  They sound good and they're reasonably priced.

If price is no object, I'm going with Taylor, probably.  I'm not there yet.  big_smile


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Cranky is what makes the neenernet so much fun, dude.  big_smile   No apologies necessary.


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I can always get a new girl.  New guitars are harder to come by...

I played a SC at a bluegrass festival this winter.   The guy at the booth saw me oogling it.  He said "Want to play it?" I said "Ohh no."  He said "How come?"  I said "Because it would be dishonest of me to even pretend that I could afford this thing."  He said "Well, yeah, but do you want to play it?"

So I did.  It was awesome.  Bright, clear, loud, comfortable, beautiful to look at.  And expensive.


(27 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Because it's entertaining.

I'm wearing all black right now.  It's because I have dinner reservations later, but I'm going to tell everyone it's because I have a Jonny Cash fetish.


(27 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

So that makes you what, Goth?  That's even worse!


(27 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

EMO is generally middle class white kids trying to find a reason to be oppressed.  Perhaps they got the Ford, rather than the Infinity for their birthday.


(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Because they come from the land down under!



(20 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

You just keep the bagpipes and kilts coming, and the world will be your oyster.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

There's some video on youtube of Shawn Lane jamming with some folks in India with one.  Now, Shawn Lane could play a shoe box and make it sound awesome, but I liked the sound he was getting out of it.


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I've seen lots of third party commentary and speculation, but Page himself has stated that it was a "casual" interest.  His ability to collect things no more makes him an "occultist" than my interest in Lewis and Clark makes me a "trailblazing explorer."

If you want to knock his personal life, "recovering drug addict" is a much more accurate, and factual claim.

I hate bigots, personally.


(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

livebaitman wrote:

OK, I've been lurking, Jerome and I have the minor nailed down.  I'm drooling while waiting on the "secret" to major scales.

jerome.oneil wrote:

Get the minor nailed down.  Then I'll show you the practical secret to major pentatonics, along with the theory behind it.  It's simple enough that you'll laugh when you get it.

OK.  Are you ready? 

Here's the practical.

Play the 1st two notes of the minor pentatonic.  Then stop.    If you started on A minor, for example, you would be at C.

Now here's the "secret."  Start from there, but continue to play the minor pentatonic pattern you started with.

Presto!   Major pentatonic.

Here's the "why" portion.

Each minor scale is associated with a major scale.  If you play a major scale starting at it's sixth note, you will be playing it's "relative minor."  So for the key of C, for example, the sixth note of that scale is A.  Play C major starting at A and you're playing A minor.   This is one of the reasons why knowing major scales is so important.

So anyway, the difference between the sixth (VI) and the root (I) of a major scale is one and a half semi-tones, or three frets.  So if you are playing a minor scale, and you want to start playing it's relative major scale, simply slide down (towards the bridge) three frets from the minor's root.   Likewise, if you are playing a major scale, and want to know what it's relative minor is, simply slide up (towards the nut) three frets.

Piece of cake.