
(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ok, not having a dig at anyone here but.........

Why cant some people read thru old threadds to answer their own questions before they ask them?

What  imean is  icontinue to see the same questions getting asked, ie.e what songs can I play? anyone know any new songs for me to play? anyone know 3 chord wonder? i am new and want to know some songs to start with? etc etc etc

these questions get ask time and time again.

I even find myself answering them as well ( not that I mind).

Maybe new posters to the forum have not read the previous posts and just come in and ask?

Maybe they have read previous posts but want a personalised reply?

Or maybe they cant be bothered to look to see if their question has been asked before/

I think all questions probably have been asked already in the last 6 months? maybe I am wrong? maybe I have drank a bit too much speyside malt whisky and I am ranting?

hmmmmmmm??????? i dunno

Just thought I would mention this



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">
james thank you

I found that site earlier today that allows you to do this format but as you say, I have to enter things in the internet, I might have to do this as I have a strong belief of "why pay when it is out there for free" sort of attitude,lol

$15 is about £8 today. Not bad I suppose. I will look into this one later, I got work soon a nightshift for one night then I am off up north into the hills with my kids ( leaving my wife behind to work) for 3 days.

thansk anyway for looking this stuff out.
But still anyone that can give me it free!!!!! ( free being that magical word) I would be forever grateful and may even have a program or 3 you might want.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi all ( and I mean ALL, all 75,000+ members out there)

Does anyone know if this program "chordpro" is available as a free download on the net anywhere?

I have decided I really need this program installed in my pc as I cannot stop writing songs just now.

or has anyone got it that are willing to e mail me the files ,lol ?

a chancer? me? yes, probably,

but if ye dinny ask ye dinny get.




(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

me too I guess,

iam a grabber too, but I am comfy wit hthat.

Sometimes though I do have my thumb in the "correct" position. But then I always think my thumb is in the correct position if I have it anywhere.

I even have my thumb hold down the low E on the first fret sometimes to do ???? whatever chord it is.

let us grabbers stand and be counted

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Right, listen up

I am loving playing this Uke, I can see me buying a much better one or a request for my chrimbo ( xmas) or my birthday.

I would recommend every guitar or bass player to try this instrument out if they enjoy sitting in their house playig away without a care and singing along.

I think the singing part while playing the uke is important because of the sound it gives of, takes a while for some to get used to it,lol

you can get one to try out for 14 quid ( about $24 or less)


after 4 pages here I forgot what my original bands were. After seeing the person called "THE JAM" that reminded me of the jam. I still listen and play their stuff and cover their stuff today.

Forget about paul weller being the main songwriter in them, the band as a wholoe ( the 3 of them) were magnificent. only lasted 6 years before paul decided to call it a day and go on to make music with his new pals " the style council" which were not a patch on the jam.

5 or 6 albums, everyone a classic even though tye all hated " the modern world" album because it was rushed and came out 6 months after their debut " in the city" but thankfully less than a year they had written their ressurection album " all mod cons" a truely classic album. Then setting sons, an album that is not dated in any way, especially with the iraq war that is going on, all songs are still apt for todays society inbritain at least.

The Jam will always be high on my list of the greatest bands ever. The energy those three guys gave in a concert was unbelievable the music they made from just drum guitar and bass cannot be beaten today by a three piece band unless extra session musicians are brought in. Sadly Paul weller decided this was the way to go for the jam near the end and took onboard session musicians, but the music was still top form stuff.

ok, I am not gettting paid by them so I am going to stop bumming them up so much now,lol

I just could stop there once I had started



(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hotel yorba......white stripes  ( G C D)

most trad. irish/scottish songs in G,C,D,A,F

used to love her  gns and roses  G, A, D)

pity you didnt include Am and Em, I could have gave you a book full.



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)


the 14th has arrived, it is 6:10pm in scotland.

I have been reading three of the properly formatted songs as asked since about 9am this morning ( not constantly but going back and forth looking)

I have re read them again and I really do like the three of them. I could have 3rd 2nd and 1st place so everyone wins, but  icannot do this since there is only one prize ( dont you just hate these big long speeches? <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  )

So, my final decision for the winner is ANOTHEREMPTYHEAD's song.

I loved the lyrics and the structure written down properly ( not that others were not)

I would like to hear this as a song if there any chance? even when Piere from xchordie gets the other site up and running you can post this song on it, or record it and e mail me it.




( hopefully Piere will see this and contact you about the prize, if not let me know)

All the best and thanks to those that entered, even though it was only a few people out of 70 odd thousand members, thought a lot more would have entered, but never mind, they obviously cant write songs or think they are too good to write songs or didnt want anyone to see their lyrics before getting them copyrighted  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(36 replies, posted in Songwriting)

james superb song.

Lets hope piere gets his new site up and running soon, the one we can post our own stuff onto.

Also since I have a daughter ( but only 6) I could sing this for her too. I might even just steal your lyrics and adpapt it to my own style,lol Or I might copy it exactly.

Cheers Ken


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>sanguine wrote on Thu, 12 October 2006 22&#58;36</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
  hey ive been playing guitar for about five years now and ive hit a rut.  not in my playing but ive ost intrest in all the songs in my song book (some 44 songs)

mainly beatles and other oldies.  i need a few suggestions to help me along.

thnx alot

i havent read the opther two replies but  iam sure they are good.

Why not go into other people public songbooks in chordie and see what others have in theirs then copy songs into your songbook.

I have a few song book with about 200 odd songs online in chordie, I also have 3 books printed out that go into clear sleaved pockets. Got about 150 songs in them.

But I still look for new ones all the time.



(1 replies, posted in Acoustic)

you can plug it straight in, turn down all volume first and all other controls then work them up

if there is no pick up on the guitar, best to use a condensor microphone ( I dont coz they are so expensive. I use a plantronics mic and it seems to work fine)

recording onto a program called guitar pro 3 or cakewalk.

have fun


p.s. there are a few threads in the forum conserning recording, easy to find.

not heard a thing about this james, but then I think it would take quite a long time. So far I think this has only been going on for a few months.

If I am right in saying, it took the courts well over a year to shut napster down and that was with the knowlege of who set up the site.

To shut down a few sites the ywould have to find out where the source is coming from/ Maybe they know? I dunno

Nope, I am no help here whatsoever,lol

But I would like to know too so I can see how long I have to go buy extra ink and print as many songs as I can.



listened to the song, pretty good wee tune!


(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

forget this post, I just realised it is wrong, so i came in and editted all the wrong things out that i thought ewas wrong, but  iwas wrong not the site,



(36 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good thinking james,

yes I could alter it to be about the mickey mouse scottish government.

I tried to copy and paste it from here but it will not allow me to highlight the text to copy and paste.

If you have this on your computer could you e mail me it?

<a href="mailto:upyerkilt123&#64;gmail.com" target="_blank">upyerkilt123&#64;gmail.com</a>




(14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

yep i love the chilis and john's style, but also cant remember his name but the guitarist from "living colour"

then theres, clapton, angus young, randy rhodes, eddie van halen, page, hendrix ( not for his playing but his style)

lots more I have not mentioned, I still got a hangover lasting two days after scotland beat france at football.



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

good advice on both.

i was tught like jerome to have the pad of your thumb in the middle of the neck at the back.

I dont always do it but it does work, it makes you train your hand more supposidly



(36 replies, posted in Songwriting)

very good james,

makes me want to be american so i can  sing this, but  if i do, i would be counted as being an anti american, an american hater etc.

hmmm, maybe i am in a way, but i dont hate the people, not all of them anyway,lol, no, hate is too strong a word, i love everyone.

but good song, i like it



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

oh good something else I can answer, and probably a lot more people could give more advice than I can

Make sure your cd is good, well produced and get it out to radio stations, dj's, record companies, do lots of gigs, sell your cd's at gigs, have fliers everywhere to get the band name known.

The more advertising gives more "by word of mouth", which is the best form of advertising.

good luck



I think there is somewhere online that looks for new talent, but i might be wrong, try that too. Or do what that scottish burd done ( sandi thom ?) she went live on the internet thru a website every friday and got a lot of people watching her every friday. The artic monkeys became famous with the use of the internet.

So, also abuse your online status and get your music online, also youtube.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

never think, no matter what age you are that you are being unrealistic or wasting time, if you think your songs/tunes are good enough for anything, then I would say go for it.



(18 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi K

IF you can record and store it on your computer then you should have no probs puting it onto cd.

You have a few choices.

You can burn a wav file onto cd but cannot play it on a cd player. The wav file is most likely to be the format that you will record the song, ( or maybe a RAW file and will have to transpose it to wav, just download a convertor)

You can transpose a wav file to MP3 or audio( which can be played on a cd player) with a convertor, Nero has the relevant convertors in it, but if you get the free edition like me, you will have to eventually have to download an MP3 convertor. they are easy to find thru google and FREE!!!!

NOw, if your problem is you have no facilities on your pc to burn a disc ( as in, you only have a cd player and not recorder) then you could save the songs onto A memory stick and take it to another computer that has cd burning facilities on it and get it onto cd.

Another good thing for recording is a program called cakewalk guitar pro3. it has 32 or 64 tracks for recording and very good for transposing songs onto wav file, again like nero it has an MP3 covertor but only a trial version.

Also the sounds of this microphone yo9u have is crap. Might sound not bad but for recrding good quality music on a computer you really need a condensor microphone ( something I need also but cost a friggin fortune) PZM microphones are really good, I get a loan of one now and again and it is so much better than my £25 microphone.

hope some of this helps



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

hi sture and thanks,

but i do not download any files here.

please enter your song in the "contest" thread, ( just under this thread)

And type it in rather than have it as a file.




My wife plays but she plays scottish and irish traditional and folk songs.

But a few good songs to learn  ( but dont know if they are on the net) is any of the  songs fro mMetallica's album S&M, the album they done with the orchestra with michael Kamen at the helm.

then theres a bit softer sort of music from the corrs

whitesnakes " in the still of the night" I dont know if there is a violin but in the video he plays the guitar with a violin bow.

and thats about all I can think of



I am still earning new songs and my problem is nearly the same as yours.

I try to learn too many at one time, this means I am forever sitting with my lyrics book with chords that I have made up. I either forget lyrics or the chords, so the book helps.

But I do know if I took my time and no matter how boring it got, I should learn one song at a time, learn the chords and the structure and the lyrics of the song.

It does look better if yer not reading it from a book when playing for people, but it doesnt mean you will sound any worse while reading from a book.

If I were you, I would learn one song, consentrate on that song and maybe learn scales as well, but not all at one time. Spend an hour doing the song and an hour doing scales and chords.



(14 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

thanks the two of you

The strings have improved a lot, I think it was coz they were new, They are not wire strings though, just the nylon ones which probably made it worse.

I cant remember the brand name, I threw away the box, but it is just a wee cheap one for me to get started on to see if I liked it.

I am thinking of getting a better one with wire strings in feburary for me birthday.

I like the Uke a lot, the problem I have now is when I change from the Uke to the mandolin or vice versa I am getting confused with my chords since there are 4 string on each of the instruments.

then I go to the guitar,lol

Will take a while but I will manage through these confusing chord changes from instrument to instrument.

And for any uke lovers, Youtube has a great clip of a Uke orchestra play nirvana's " smells like teen spirit", it is a fantastic version,

yep the uke certainly is a great wee instrument.



jerome yer right.

A band should be based on it's live performances ( it was you that said that  wasnt it?, never mind, great sentance anyway whoever it was)

Yes poison did fill arenas in the mid 80's but never held on to that status like the eagles, rod stewart, the who, pink floyd the stones, rem etc. But I have all their albums and still listen to them now and again.

I will check out those people you talked about, I always like to hear something new, especially if I think " I have not heard anything like this before"

or if it is not totally original, as long as there is good tunes with a good voice behind it.




p.s. I consider ( as I have said) the stiff little fingers are one of the best bands, as is the alarm, but they never sell out arenas, hmm, I should think forst sometimes,lol