You all have passed the audition and have been a good listen thank you.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill I think  what happens in the game of the unscrupulous in the search for money is greed taints any sense of fairness or what's right. Flying around in their private jets cruising on yachts that cost millions in their cut of from reality universes.Sometimes it is easier to make the poor become the scapegoats for the excesses of the rich in the media.. Your comments are bang on. Thank you Jandle for thinking about my words and those interesting comments put up by others.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank  you Phill and TF for your insightful replies. Phill your on to the language part. TF as you know change is sometimes detrimental. The old we take paradise put up a parking lot.
My wood and axe references the way Corporations and Governments happily cut back and push people out of the picture. Increasingly the computer and the machine is replacing people. People are seen as a cost not as a value. Also  the wood and axe references deforestisation the balance of nature destroyed by greed and waterways  and air poluted. Also it is about how values change and become old fashion to some.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

From a distance it seems like instead of the old love your neighbour it has gone to shoot your neighbour. Even in our country violence and murder is increasing. Life imitating art. With  the constant bombardment of violence onscreens  Television, Films, Video games I think it is  desensitises many a susceptable person. Things that would horrify us just ten years ago are comonplace now. There are alot of stressed out people who are snapping in this world. The so called civilised world has become increasingly uncivilised. Great words Jim. Time to put the United  back into the United States. Finding some sort of comon ground can be hard in this divided world. Maybe people need to compromise a bit more. Whatever happened to Give Peace A Chance?


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Bill
You aint" HEAVY" your my brother.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

This is a poem I wrote which I will let the reader interpret it whatever way they want it to mean.
                                                                         Beat Of The Axe.
The language I lost to changed meanings.
Left in another time by those older than me.
Sometimes I catch little bits that I understand.
A beat of the axe comes from near as a once beautiful tree is split.
No longer together it is thrown into the fire.
All that remains is ashes.
In my memory it's strength is clear.
Vivid pictures unseen.
Connecting only to those who have passed down the same track.
Words expressed but not fully understood.
Twisted by listeners' ears.
Only my mother's and father's words are now fully understood by their generation.
Maybe another generation after I am gone will bring them back.
Maybe the forest will grow again.
Or will the axe just stop.

I love it when a band not only does a cover not only with unique style but also makes it their own. The band did both. Fantastic Grah1 entertaining and done with flare.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two great teams Iceland and Wales. Both teams victories so far have got me interestested in the football.  Usually I follow Rugby. Here in NZ people like me love meeting up with the Welsh suporters when they come over here.  Wellington has a Welsh Pub known as The Welsh Dragon where many of our local Welsh will stop in for a drink.

Hey glad to see you are keep this going a couple of good songs there. Roger it would be nice to hear your version of Knocking On Heavens Door on soundcloud even though it is not chosen as this months.  Here is a couple of lyrics based on the song Ten Guitars by Englebert Humperdink, about chordians
I have a band of Chordians who play songs for me.
People come from all around the world to hear them play melodies.
Beneath the stars my chordians will play a song for you.
If your with the one you love.You can dance, dance to my chordians.
And very soon you just wont know where you are.
Very soon you will see a thousand stars.
When you dance, dance to my Chordians.
This is what you do.
Music is made for love my Chordians will say to you.
When you dance, dance to my chordians.
Come on everybody dance, dance to my chordians.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Greetings and Happy Canada Day too you. You certainly come from a very diverse and interesting country. My sister back in 1965 went to Vancouver planning  for a short visit and fell in love with Canada forgetting to leave. It has been her home country ever since way back then.


(14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Nice playing and I like the way you have balanced out the instruments perfectly on the recording.


(7 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Your fictional character felt real. Your story came through in a powerful, way an excellent piece of songwriting.


(9 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Nice those images nicely photographed. Instruments balanced in a gentle flowing subtle way. A very relaxing watch and listen.. Took me back to a couple of English summers I experienced years back. Another garden creature I use enjoy watching was the Squirrels that use to run around  on the branches of a large  Oak Tree outside our Kitchen Window while living over in Richmond Surrey.

Not only great to hear your excellent  vocals but I also dig your guitar and harmonica playing.

Knocking On Heavens Door. Sounds like a good song to tackle not too many lyrics great chorus and one many Chordians could do. Great sugestion Roger.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So glad to hear you have found the light at the end of the tunnel after what you have been through in recent times. I love the way you two have a love that shines so bright and strong. You are proof of love will conquer all.
Thank you for your Sunshine.
Love to you both.
Pete and Maree


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I like that arrangement the UKE works perfectly.

Jandle you made it your own and it worked out real good.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

One thing I have noticed about age is it is easier to not want to be part  of the modern world. Younger people are more conected by technology where I tend to keep its use to a minimum. Another thing I notice  some people seem sometimes to assume once you get past 60 you start to become incapable. As a result some older people get deprived the opportunity to be part of what younger people are doing. So the older people become invisable. Lukily for me even though Im in my 60s I  still havent figured out what I am going to do when I grow up. Good observational lyrics Grah.

Jim that is a clever way of adding your special  creativity. I wonder if Neil  ever thought about a sequel to After The Gold Rush.

I agree with Grah another two very good  original covers. I like the way everyone so far has put thier own stamp on it.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Bill
Love you and Dondra. When you are not around Chordie feels a bit empty.
Pete and Maree

Love the way Joe, you made it your own, capturing all the, good elements of the original but not straight out copying . Magic performance.

That is a clever piece of technology Amy. Jandle I can imagine you making a good cover of Ali's song. Sadly Ali's  life has been messed up through Heroin addiction.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Interesting song when tackling life we all at times have a bit of self doubt. The sad  thing about a lot of artists is they try to be popular rather than being true to thermselves.
Once again you have displayed depth and substance through your music.