
(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Some people say when they dont understand something it is "double dutch" to them, well this is quadrupled dutch, multiplied by 502 dived by 28 and add 7 to me.

Ilike the chords I know  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi perz and welcome to the site.

playing for 44 years eh? good to hear, maybe you can help others out with all the questions or feel free to ask questions.

I noticed you say about puting something on the site?, chordie is a search engine that browses thru other sites. Hoewever you can still add the songs if they are on another site.

Not too sute about the chord chart thingy you were saying, Pere ( the admin) is best person to sort that



(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi cagawen

welcome to the forum

thing i do when looking for new songs to do now is look in other peoples songbooks to give me ideas.

On the homepage of chordie on the right hand top corner you will see a link to take you to all public songbooks.

  I ran out of ideas ages ago for what new songs to learn so this is what i do. I am still picking out songs at least 5 times a week.

I might not learn all of them if they are too hard or i cannot sing them but I give them all a go anyway

Even songs that I thought were crap by a band i hate, I take the song and try to do it my way



(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

nope sorry, dont know. All I know is it is the same cable he uses for his amp that he uses on his computer.



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

nope not got this one from them yet, but no doubt I will be going out and getting it tomorrow.

No matter wha tanyone says if it is good or bad, I need this album for my collection, it will be my first WHO cd, all the rest I have are on vinyl.



(4 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I saw a sitar on e bay once, I was thinking of getting it but it was costing quite a bit.
I got my wife an electric violin from e bay, I think it was "purple turtle trading" on e bay. It is crap, it cost me £70 ( or there abouts) Her dad got her a better one costing £150. But you can get half decent ones for about £90.
I dont play the violin but my wife does and she says she prefers the acoustic one, better sound from it. But I suppose on the sort of sound you want to get from it.

look up e bay for all the instruments and click on worldwide and not just the UK or USA, doesnt really cost much for postage



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

nope still cannot move it, I get one box asking where to put it, I click on song requests then get the blank white box

also on topic exchanges I tried to accpet a topic to be moved and got this






) 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'fud26_tv_4'

Query: LOCK TABLES fud26_poll WRITE, fud26_tv_4 WRITE, fud26_tv_4 WRITE, fud26_thread WRITE, fud26_forum WRITE, fud26_msg WRITE

_GET: array ( 't' => 'thr_exch', 'appr' => '2', 'S' => 'b3890616af5cc2340eae111a102a48a6', )

Server Version: 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.2-log

[Referring Page] <a href="http://www.chordie.com/forum/index.php?t=thr_exch&S=b3890616af5cc2340eae111a102a48a6" target="_blank"> http://www.chordie.com/forum/index.php? … amp;S=b389 0616af5cc2340eae111a102a48a6</a>

Fatal error: SQL Error has occurred, please contact the administrator of the forum and have them review the forum's SQL query log in /data/www/FUDforum/include/core.inc on line 190

means nothing to me



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

vikki, hi

You will not find the request area I mentioned. I think it is for moderators to move topics to the appropriate place.

but hello and welcome to the forum .



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

lol, I had finished work when i typed that. Early shift 7 to 3

even though the time here shows a cokpletely differnt time

and now i am on holiday for 5 days yip eeeeeee


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Pere,

I was trying to move a topic out of bands and artists to song requests but when i try it, it is not working, I just get a wee blank box. I tihnk this box is where I am suppose to write why I want it moved?



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

you are right fury,

requesting the move of the topic just now



(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

newbie guy

7 replies so far ( mine being 7) and I can say they are all good replies,

listen not only to your father, but anyone that gives you advice  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

alvee beat me to it.

I tihnk the site alvee gives a link to is very good, it has more than just scales. A very useful site to have in your favourites


there are a lot

but a few i do that are vocally great songs to sing while playing an acoustic are

behind blue eyes ( the who, not blink 182 version)

fields of athenry

hey you  ( pink floyd)

in the ghetto  ( elvis)

green fields of france

fisherman's blues

wild horses  ( stones)

everybody hurts ( rem)

street spirit  9radio head)

hope that helps a bit



(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

well i just use my microphone to record my acoustic guitar, but my mate plays his electric guitar thru his.

He uses his normal cable that plugs into his guitar then into an adaptor to step down the size to go into the microphone socket in the computer.



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

wish you were here

wild rover

behind blue eyes

brown eyed girl


wild horses

sympathy for the devil

the times they are a changing

knocking on heavens door


working class hero

ballad of john and yoko

every rose has its thorn

fishermans blues

any oasis song

and rem song

any bobby dylan



(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yeah a traditional/folk would be good, but as I understand some american folk is actually country music ? ( only what  igot told) then there is woody guthrie and bob dylan which is condidered as folk, but then so is john prine but could also be country.

So instead of having folk and traditional seperate have them together. This is the way I have my music books in my folders ( not folders on the computer)

there are so many categories of music I tihnk some would have to be joined together like James say with golden oldies.

with redesigning songbooks, does that mean everyone would have to have several different songbooks wiand categorise their own songs into different books?



(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ok ,I am starting this  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  and hopefully more people that know more about it will contribute to what they know.

I have been told that if you have something somewhere i.e a song on the internet and have proof of the date it was posted then that would or could serve as a legal copyright. But I could see complictaions with this. I am sure someone somewhere could make something look as though it was posted earlier.

But it could still be a copyright of it, maybe not a legal one though.

Peire is setting up a new site wich allows us to post our own songs on in music format ( not just lyrics). If there are enough people on this and see actual songs and hear them then I suppose we would all have witnesses to their copyright? Dont know how that would stand in a court, ( thats if a song ever got that far, but ye never know)

anyone else know anymore?



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thats quite good for 9 hours playing to know those chords.

I would say though, dont try too much at one time, learning takes time.

No need for three hours a day, but if you have the time then use it learning to change chords.

Changing chords without looking will take quite a bit longer than learning the chord changes ( or it did with me) after a while of playing your fingers get trained to go where the chords are. But there is nothing wrong with looking to see what you are playing.

Srtumming patterns, hmmm, well I dont bother too much about them, I just play the way I like to and always seems ok. My problem is when it is suppose to be just downward strums through a song, I will strum up and down or down down up or down down down down up down up etc, whatever feels good in my head.

It is going to take you longer than 3 sessions playing 3 hours per session to play the guitar.

good luck,



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi baba,

here are a few links that might help. It shows what chord is getting getting played depending where the capo is.

<a href="http://www.cyberfret.com/misc-wisdom/capo/index.php" target="_blank">http://www.cyberfret.com/misc-wisdom/capo/index.php</a>


<a href="http://www.bigcitystring.com/capo.htm" target="_blank">http://www.bigcitystring.com/capo.htm</a>



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yeah capos are great for this instead of working out the new chords.

But sometimes you might just not get it. I have difficulties with a few songs, one being " nothing ever happens" by Del Amirti, great song but  icannot sing the verses and the chorus. I can do the verses perfect then when it comes to the choris I have to sing very loudly, near enough shouting to get the right key. Then if I dont sing the verses I can do the chorus.

Also another song I do "hush hush" a scottish trad. song, i have to have my capo on the 4th fret. I struggled with this song for a few years until somone told me to keep puting the capo up and up and now I got it down to a T.

O ther songs that I like and have difficulties with either singing or playing I just leave them aside until I can be bothered to rearange things on it to make it sound good enough with my voice or my playing.



(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


I listened to the 4 songs on your site.

Hope you can handle construced critisism?

it was ..... it was......... well...... different.

And different is good in my books.

So you have not got a great voice but then who needs agreat voice to make a song sound good? as said in the comments your voice was rgeat in desperation.

At first when I heard it I thought oh my fecking .....

but I actually listened to it again and I like it. The other songs were not bad, only listened to them once, one was a bit slow and not doing much but squirrels, I liked that too.

Also liked your list of influences, I never read all of them though,lol

good work,



(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>James McCormick wrote on Sat, 21 October 2006 16&#58;34</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

I think it is important for all users (new & old alike) to feel that this forum is a good source for information.  I would hate for this place to become snobby and unwelcoming for new users.


james, yer right there, and maybe this is why i keep replying to all the repeated questions no matter how I feel at the time of replying,lol

I know I can be the world's laziest for not looking things up and asking is so much easier than sifting thru old posts to see a lot of questions getting sidetracked on the way.

like I said, I have been drinking a really nice malt  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  and thought I would post something different.  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

bring on the repeate questions and old questions and eay questions, boring questions etc,

Everyone is different and everyone needs to know what they want to know ( ok, I am confusing myself now)



(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

me too,

I like these lyrics. Get yer thinking cap on and get some more lyrics/verses



(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I always associate jabber wockie with monty phython.lol
