Great to hear all your voices and playing down here in NZ.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That is a real good track. As a drummer you would appreciate the subtle use of the cow bell. I love that lyric in that song,  Cant help about the shape Im in. I aint pretty and my legs are thin.
Cheers Bill I love it.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill if I was a young man again I would be calling on your drumming services.I enjoyed playing that video Bill,I love the Who. That song is relevant today as when it came out.  I met Roger Daltry  briefly  the singer from the Who once over in London he was a genuine down to earth nice guy. He  does alot  of work for good causes. Another one of my music heros Peter Green who was a wonderful Blues guitarist I use to see around alot when I was over in  Richmond, London. Unfortunately too many drugs had affected Peters mental state. Our friend Chris was playing bass for him in the recording studio unfortunately the project wasn't finished as Peters mental state deterioratied so they couldnt complete the project. Peter has started playing a bit again he has some stuff up on youtube and his time with Fleetwood Mac is well documented..


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love that guitar image. I visited a house years ago where the owner had guitars hung all over his walls  it was a beautiful sight heaven on earth.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here in NZ I have been watching the Olympics on a free to air channel as I dont have pay channels. Watching NZ Womans Football team playing Columbia one nill to NZ at moment. I suppose Bill will be following the cyclists with interest. Maybe one day we will have guitar picking as sport at the Olympics.

Nice Video Amy. Jen and Ken go together beautifully real nice and entertaining.
Jen and Ken when they sing and Play.
Make this world seem okay.
As long as we got that rythmn that flows of the perfect combination Jen and Ken
With Jen and Ken singing and playing all our worries and cares will drift away.
Jen and Ken take it away.
You make our day.

That is a song me and Easybeat sang as teenagers walking around our local area late at night. We always enjoyed trying to sing a song or two when our throats were lubricated after a beer or two. We had some very easy going friend's perants who were would indulge our  teenage attempts  at party singing.

Hope you put some photos and other bits up for us out here.
I know everyone there will make good fun and music.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill you make my day a good one.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I  am watching the Olympic opening ceremony on TV. What has amazed me is how many countries who are attending, are ones I know nothing about. Up until now I thought I new more about geography than I did. With my 95 year old mother's birth country Fiji in the Rugby 7s I will be hoping for either Fiji or New Zealand to get a gold in that competition. If Fiji gets a gold they will have a national day of to celebrate. With the fast pace of 7s rugby I think there will be a few suprise wins.
I hope Rio gets a good return for 20 Billion it has cost them to put these games on so far.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Dino below is a link to my soundcloud stuff if you ever want to have listen. I like your flag idea. May be one day someone clever on here will design a Chordie flag. Maybe one of those thread things. I get a bit lost  on things computer and technical. I suspect out there in the Chordie world  we have some clever people at design.

My mission I guess is to try make the ability to put music out simple and not at big expense.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well done Doug for guiding Bill and Lady Dondra's canoe back to Chordie Land.
Bill it is an honour to have you here with your interesting insights.
You are never boring and a inspiration along with Dondra.
Love to you both.
From Me and Maree


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I salute our moderators for all their good work to keep Chordie Land  the place to be.
Letting our voices and music ring with pride.
As we hail from far and wide.
Together they help us unite and defend the cause of freedom.

I was wondering has anyone designed a flag for Chordie Land????


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Clever use of words putting all sorts of pictures in my mind.


(3 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers Dino I have some song writing attempts up on soundcloud under Peatle Jville,  My voice and playing is not the best. So on here I tend to stick to the poem section. Also as I like to play by feel I'm not much of a person  for writing down music. My music theory understanding  is very basic Though I do get  other people sometimes to do my playing such as my wife on piano and had others do a bit on other instruments. Performing is not my passion. Of course it goes without saying I am part of the Strummer Bill fan club. Hope they make Him President of the USA I couldnt think of a better first Lady then Dondra.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The impact of the Beatles and the Stones was our  next big teenage revolution here in NZ after ther era of Kiwi kids putting themselves in either the Elvis or Cliff Richard camps.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Chordie Town aint the same when Bill and Lady Dondra are not around. Hurry and get that next stagecoach back to town.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Great to find you again I missed you.


(3 replies, posted in Poems)

This poem came about after talking about trying to be a good person with a teenager who has had issues with bulllying. We talked about not joining the condemning  people who put  those  down who dare to be themselves and are not hurting the world.

                                                                                      End Of The Day.
At the end of the day.
Are  you true to who you are.
Did you ostracize those who havent followed.
Those who reached out rather than in.
Those who cryed for help.
Those out in the open or undercover.
Who we are is not that simple.
Finding God because that is not you sitting on accepted pews.
Putting across your point of view.
Not decrying those with less than you,  saying that you are better.
Gaining more of those with less.
Kicking those who are depressed.
Believe it is all because of you, your success.
At the end of the day all love that is given can be taken.
Given or denied.
At the end of the day your next second could be your time to change.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

L ech yd da HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHILL.  I hope I spelt the Welsh part right. Keep on rocking.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Your song makes perfect sense it also works well with your style of playing and singing.


(10 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

As a young boy I remember my Dad had friends who played in skiffle groups. He built a Tea Chest Bass  which he could get a good sound out of it.  At party's sometimes music was made not only with guitars, ukulele  and so on but they would also use things like washboards, spoons. beer flagons to make music. At my Grandparents house on friday nights partys they would sing songs such as What A Mouth and other ones. Here in NZ we had a group in the 70s called Hogsnort Ruperts who played skiffle type music who were a very popular band. They had a few hit song with their own simple  original  good time music in this country. Hogsnorts went a bit electric but if you go on youtube there are some old style skiffle songs done by them.


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Amy you are a talented writer your song was one of those meant to be songs, perfectly written and delivered from the heart. Reading the comments above shows you have touched others hearts with your song also. Having the right words or songs at times of grief can be hard. I believe on this occasion this song was placed in your heart for the appropriate moment.
I always say Life, Death and the Universe must eventually make some form of sense. Because these things are bigger than us doesnt mean it should defeat us but instead it  keeps us searching for answers. When my father died suddenly aged 39 my youngest brother was 3 years old going on to 4 years in a months time. I remember him saying to me on the night after my father died dont worry  look at the moon and Daddy will be up there. Even though I dont believe he is up in the moon I have ever since then felt a warm  comfort when I look at the moon and the stars believing my father and other dear ones who have passed on have gone to a better place. Also I appreciate every day knowing our time is limited in this life. Without forcing my beliefs on people I am from the heaven and hell way of thinking and with that in mind I try and live a good life.
Thank you for sending out your song into the world.


(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

My Maree on hearing your song was so moved she shed a tear for the loss of all those families who have suffered a terrible loss due to these terrible attacks. I just pray that the power of good will eventually overcome evil. At the moment it seems as though evil is on the increase invading once peaceful lands.


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Your song has touched on all the sad elements of the evil that is happening. You have captured all that unnecessary pain very powerful and very moving.