Tossed a coin this song was the side that came up. Here it is done differant just a quick bash not like the original for anyone wanting to have a listen.    Sorry Arlo yours is still the best.                                   


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here is a link to a story about people making music out of other peoples waste.


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

UJB here is another saying to add to the list.
Not the full sandwich.


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A couple of kiwi sayings for a person who is not that clever.
The lights on but nobody is home.
If  they had another brain it would be lonely.
Nothing between the ears.
A saying here telling someone to get on with what they got to do.
Fill your boots.
A saying,   you give everyone a fair go is.
A fair suck of the sav.    ( A sav is a type of sausage)


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Marrying into a Greek Romanian family has had some fun comunication moments for me. There are people here in New Zealand who watch Coronation Street religously and talk about the characters on that show as if they are perople from the neighbourhood. My favourite Brit Show in recent years was Last Of The Summer Wine.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Phil
Great to hear from you. That guitar is a Ashton a great beginners guitar made in China which doesnt cost an arm and a leg. It was given to me by easybeat in 2015. I sold my musical gear over in Aussie back 1981 before returning to New Zealand and hadnt played guitar again until last year. So I have had to learn all over again. The  video was just me playing to my cheap laptop no microphones or  fancy cameras. I tend to record my stuff for soundcloud just using a cell phone. Unfortunately I am not much of player or singer but I just do it as a way to unwind at home sometimes after a hard week at work. Here is a link to my soundcloud


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I better not say Gat in the back  to an American Cop if I ever get pulled up over there. Still I supose the slang term axe for guitar used around the world might sound strange if you say I got my axe in the Boot. I think maybe the word Gat in NZ came about through our pronouncation of guitar sounding a bit like Gat Tar to some. If I was to say I have got an Old Bomb In NZ that still goes it might not go down to well if I am  talking to American authorities. It can still  do the Ton and over no sweat. Translation I have an old car that car  can still go over 100. We also refer to old cars as Dungers.


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Another Kiwi way of saying Ive Got Me  Guitar In The Boot,  is I ve Got My  Gat in the back.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gidday Amy that is always lots of fun working out people differant sayings.  Even little things that people say, here in New Zealand we quiet often refer to a guitar as a gat. Cherio when I was growing up here in NZ meant goodbye. Though now days it is not used by the modern generation. My 95 year old Mother always says cherio when saying good bye to me.
Cherio for now.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill your a wonderful friend.

I am keen to see what I can cover and make it beyond reconition of the original.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Glad you liked that bit of Kiwi entertainment Rickyjack.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Rickyjack I will attach another NZ song for you to check out by a band that is from here that Joe Walsh of the Eagles liked. He even came over to NZ to help them in the recording studio. The video was made at a Marae up on the East Coast of New Zealand at a place called Ruatoria.       Marae (Maori meeting place)


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

  If this one doesnt work I will see if Easybeat can put the attachment up.  Derek Lind


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry Keepitreal I will try attaching again it is Derek Lind doing What Came Natural on youtube my attaching link ability is not that good.
Hope fully this time I have got it right.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I agree Zurf. I will attach a real Kiwi talent doing a song for you all to watch. I would love to hear your feed back on his … formance..


(22 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

You have a good group going there to get three good muso like you guys working well as a unit making a good sound is a treat.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gidday ( Kiwi way of saying Howdy) Topdown , Uncle Joe, Rickyjack, Keepitreal,Tig, Tenement, sorry about the sound quality my laptop doesnt record that well.
Easybeat I appreciate you explaining what a Dag is. Our overseas friends most probably dont use words like Gum Boot, Jandals , Kai, Wops, Pakeha, Batch, Old Bombs, Feeling Crook, Grouse, Jee Jees and the word  Kiwi for New Zealander. But I guess they would understand most of our banter down at our local watering hole.
Jandle  inside that Peatle  hard case is a soft lining.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)  Hi just a link to a short video of greeting from New Zealand  to my Chordie friends in response to all your wonderful videos and photos. The home of Jandle  and Easybeat pluss the odd Hobit or two.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you love song writing just do it. Not everyone has the same taste in music.The love of my life Maree loves me but not my music. I dont like listening to myself singing or playing but find it trelaxing having a play around with music. Not every song works out but the more you do it the better chance one has of writing a good one. Most people dont like what I write but every now and then someone does and that is good enough for me. So my only advice is dont be to hard on yourself release your songs to the world and maybe they will grow legs or just sit on the shelf. Either way you had the courage to give it a go.

Just incase anyone wants to have a listen. I have just put up another version of Knocking On Heavens Door Up On Soundcloud just me and my guitar. Sorry Bob Dylan for not making it the same as yours. … avens-door


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think the hard thing for all musicians and songwriters is not having an audience. As much as I love Chordie I often wonder how many people on here take the time to actually go and listen to other Chordians output rather than just read their words. I am sure that most people will make that time if they have got it but if your not one of those listeners I would encourage you to listen to some of our family of chordians output.  For me the song means more than the theory behind it. I obviously am guilty of not giving feed back and taking everyone  music in, but if we all just give a couple minutes of our listen time to  some chordians we dont necessarily listen to I think our feed back has real value.

Thank you all for sharing your photos  talents and good times on here,  youtube and soundcloud letting us out here into the wonderful  time you all just had together.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Michael Phelps what an amazing swimmer the whole world is in awe of his ability in the water. My mother's country of Fiji is celebrating with people dancing in the streets after they won their first ever medal a gold  in the rugby 7s. It is nice to see good competion between Nations hitting the news for a change. Our free to air  channel mainly lets us see
the  sports at the Olympics that New Zealand competing in. Those here with sky can watch much more. I guess with all the going's on around the next Presidential election over in the USA , Americans will be enjoying having something else to think about.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Your voice works perfectly with your music.