
(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

DonCorleone Sir!

Best start rubbin in the ould Poteen  to thoses bones tonight, "Your own i mean" after that diaster tonight?.. Holey Moley, what happened to them? Did you not pass on the poteen tips?
Might i suggest a song or two?  just to keep you occupied?

Old Doll.


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Roger Guppy,
you never told what i thought was the best bit of the story..

To fill you all in! Roger emailed me to say what had happened. He also said,
As he took the Aerosol Spray out his cat was watching him..
His Cat who i assume cannot read, saw this human being with an Aerosol and
exposed flame and quickly left the building.. Clever Clever Cat.

His animal instinct kicked in!  8 lives left, but he wasnt going Guppies way!!

Is it any wonder i love nature and all its wonder, they never forget how to survive..
I laughed so much at the whole scene last night, i was belly sore today.
All i can say Roger, I did see your photo you sent, it does look sore, and your hair will grow back { well Maybe } But thank God you were wearing your Jocks?
Or we may have had to change your name to "Senorina Rogeda" lol lol lol.

GET WELL SOON.. lol lol lol, Oh God I still think its hilarious!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Your on a winner with this one


i some times use those chords for An Eagles Tune.

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Here in Ireland Roger,

We use the word "Pissed "as in Drunk? and its very exceptable here!  In America when i first went there, i discovered they us the word "Pissed" to  refect there anger at something?
I am of course open to correction on this one.
Not Pissed Old Doll!


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Rockerchick,

Yes a deep piece, and spelling didnt stop me understanding where its coming from..
I think text abbreviation with cell phones is creating this kind of phonetic spelling?  I could start a whole thread here on famous people who were Dyslexic. as is one of my Sons. A very Productive Loving young Man who knows exactly
as you do Rockerchic, where his heart is..

Now! Chords please.. for this Old Doll.

Well done to you and keep it up.

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James,
I get back from life what i put into it, so im doing something wrong?
As i have a mountain of work today.
My thoughts today will be, Frolicing in the sunshine, go barefoot in the sand..
i can hear and smell the sea already and the warm sand!  "oooooooooooh
lovely feeling". Best start work!

Lovely Song!

Old Doll


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

THank You Bootleger,

A wee Irish wish for you.

May God grant you the years to live, for sure he must be knowing
Earth has Angels all to few, and Heaven is overflowing.
May your heart be as happy as music Bootleger.

Día Linn { God to You}



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I must apologise to you. I did not know you were a Reverent Man.?. My suggestive post last week was not meant to be disrespectful, It was my way
of having a laugh..
My own PP is used to me jesting with him, but you wouldn't know me well
enough to know this.He often joins our company on nights out ,so is well used to me and my carry on..

I cannot remove the etching now! So ill just put "BOO HOO" beside it
and everyone will get the message that you Legged it!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Roger,
I was just leaving the PC to start my work when i seen your post..

I had decided to be happy today as always. Your song is lovely
and brought a tear to my eye. Never being blessed with a Daughter,
so i adopt everyone elses with joy..
Oh to be a Daddies Girl! Oh to be anyones Girl or even there Old Doll.

Donna must be so pleased.

Well Done Mó Cára.

Old Doll.


(49 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Fairy Tale: 

One day, long, long ago, there lived a woman who,

surprisingly, did not whine, nag, and bitch........

But this was a long time ago.....

and it was just ONE day.

The End

Old Doll.   Tehe.


(49 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi All,
while i agree with all thats being said, there is one other point i would like to draw your attention to.
ESTROGEN! In woman young or Old-er  can be a bewildering time for us.
The Estrogen Cycle is to some woman an absolute nightmare every month.
I ask any Man here to understand how there loving partner can turn into a walking demon for a week sometimes 2 out of every month.  The Chemical
imbalance causes all kinds of problems for woman young or old. Even
very intelligent woman who understand how hormones work, will look in the mirror at this time and havent a clue who they are... All they know at this time is they feel ugly, insecure, unloved, bloated. They will cry it seems for no rational reason known to Man. Which is also bewildering to Men..
The wonderous thing about Estrogen is it allows for the process of becoming  Pregnant and the beautiful experiience of birthing our babies.. But all of this goes out the window when this imbalance occurs..

In classes ive done over the years Men have stated," if woman know this "why dont they get a grip" They can't. the imbalance in chemical changes in the body doesn't allow for This.. As soon as the balance restores its self! Woman know they have been different, and so the cycle goes..... At times in my own life i could have happily made a foot ball from my womb and ovaries! and Kicked it from one end of this island to the other.

Men on the other hand are lucky with there  Testosterone.. They feel powerful.
They also have the quick release factor, when the feeling becomes to much
for them, [Lucky Sods}.
So when Daddies Girl turns into "linda Blair" from the exorcist, Or Mum turns into  "Annie Wilkes" from Misery, Spare a thought for the demon Estrogen?
and in particular for  young girls who this is all new to..


Irma Thomas, explains why Woman Cry sometimes for no apparent reason in  this beautiful  song "Hold Me while i Cry" "You tube."
I know im always longwinded with these posts. I cannot blame estrogen for
this...Ive looked in the mirror this morning { not a pretty sight in jammies, maybe its stats i should be doing} But thankfully I and the good lord knows who i am..
Have a Happy Day Chordians. I intend to..

Barróga agus Póga to you all.

Old Doll.


(49 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Rockerchicks,
your Mam wasnt stupid, she just wasnt taught about contraception soon enough. or how important it is to young people... Never and i mean never
allow any Man or Boy have control over your body. If your going to be sexually active then take responsibility for it. Why would any woman allow Men to call
the shots on whether they become pregnant or not. It can take seconds and a lifetime of responsibility for you! If your left with a baby.. Thats the first lesson you learned from your mother inadvertantly! In my eyes this act is for consenting adults, It is a very serious game of give and take.. It can be lust
or the most beautiful love between 2 people.. Your Choice To Make.

Darling, you absolutely  made the right  decision to inform your friend to tell the parents.. But ive learned we have no control when someone decides to do this to themselves... Again its there choice. Theres is no way to stop it. My sons
friend, A Beautiful Handsome Man of 30, just 3 weeks ago done this deed.
He in the papers was called "A gentle Giant" which he was. We have no clue as to why?  Had been laughing with all his friends 1 hour before he done this to himself... No answers to it.. But you must realize we havent the power to stop them.. To much responsibility for you so young to think you can..

James McCormick from the Forum Here wrote a beautiful piece called
"The Sparkling Chains" Its about people connections and how we link to one another as we meet and its all for a reason.. One of the lines is
"May you be a Proud Link in The Sparkling Chains". Rockerchick you are a Diamond in the link you have made here! You have opened up a chain of though on this forum regarding young people and how life can be tough for them. You are here because you have a message somehow to impart to us.
You are very special. Know this and carry it always with you.
Keep your music close to you, please post some of your songs in the songwriting section.. You will get great encouragement from the forum there.

Keep with your church you cant go wrong there. The people there will be on the same level of thinking as you.
We are here for you also. And my invite to email still stands..
As i said earlier we have choices. I want one of yours to be "HAPPY"

My love and light to you A Grá

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Fáilte Last rebel,

That was a complete slideshow as i read it..with colour.



Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Fáilte James,

One word i didnt know in this piece "Immutable" So i looked it up
and now i have another in my vocabulary, Thanks James.

This piece is as always  James, like loony,  "So ever  brilliantly"

Like to meet this Quirky Person, Just to see what makes her tick?

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Bootleger,

I just dropped off some stuff to A Charity Shop. They sold a Blue Ridge Br 70 Acoustic Guitar For 40 euro Today.

It looked like a beautiful Guitar, just needing strings... When i came home i couldnt believe the price on the net..

Some bargain eh!

Hope your having a real good Day

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I walked every step with you Jets,

As I read it,  Beautiful Observation!

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Boxer
Lovely song. I actually played it just now! I bet it doesnt sound at all like i played.

But lovely Words. I would love to hear you play it.

Hope your little jewel is coming along?.

Also Thanks for the Add.

Old Doll.


(49 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

YOUR NOT AN ACCIDENT.. You already have a story to tell at 13 to be an example to other 13 year olds.

See there is always a bigger picture with people young or old.
When your 13 its hard to be with your friends and not do as they do. ie drink and drugs or whatever.   I was 19 in the summer of sixty Nine. Free love, drugs
you name it it was around me... My choice was always music. My Friends
parents all thought i was real sensible...I wasnt, i just went with my gut feeling
of what i loved most...Worked all day, and sang with a group most nights.Or danced,or read or learned new songs..I also decided free love wasnt for me as thats not what love is about for me.. I was and remain a one Man Woman. When He declared his love for someone else and  changed that situation some years ago,Yes! i was devasted, but It  didnt change me and still hasnt... Bootlegger is right, You will know when God wants the change for you. If and when He decides my life to be different, it will be..If i am meant to be with someone else in my life it will be so. In the meantime i absolutely enjoy life and who i am.
Your a clever 13 year old, but the internet is dangerous. People will be nice
to you. Some may have an ulteriour motive for you..Thats a big fear we all
feel for you..
Some time ago, i was getting all kinds of request through my space?
At my age it took me quite a while to realise " One Photo i had there was giving the wrong impression! I removed it, and these request stopped.
So even at my age we can be niave.
Stay with your church and music.. Deep down there could be jelousy about the skills you already have in your new surroundings.  Is it possible for you to start a small Music group? Teaching Guitar and songs? Be the perfect example of being you! Its kind of boring to be the same as everyone else..
Your circumstances have and will mould you.. So far they have made you a smart young woman.. Transition is always difficult! The less you  resist the easier it will be. Lots of people on hear have been honest because of you young lady.
As the song says. "Ripples in still waters, where there is no pebble tossed, or wind  to blow! You reached out your hand Rockerchick and we hold you as if you were our own!.

Love and light to you RockerChick.
My email is always available to you.

Old Doll.

RockerChick! I have a burning Desire to meet this Man Mark singing this song!
He gives a shy Bashful smile at the end that justs melts my heart.I would love to hear his life story!  Enjoy.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Last Rebel.
this piece just so reminds me of Gordon Lightfoot.. I could actually hear his voice running through it as i read it...
Deep and  intense piece.

Well done! You clever person...

Old Doll.

Hi Docphil,
Can i just get this one out of my system first RAY DAVIES, YESSSSSSSSSSSS.
i loved him,thought he was the finest thing God ever put on 2 feet. Now with that out of the way. It was about style i feel more then Music... The music complemented the scene.. Young hip  Fashion stylist were really coming into there own.  Mary Quant, Little Black dress still in vogue today. Soft knitwear,
with frilly shirts/blouses.
Because of all the talk on shopping on the songwriting forum in the last few days
I actually went for some retail therapy after my work today.. All Mary Quant styles are in the stores.. Along with the floral tops and shirts i wore in those times... Hers was a wee bit more conservative...
But Hot pants and knee boots
done it all.. Mini Skirts! i still have a photo were my undies can be seen plainly
so short were my clothes. But i had the pins then for that style. and everyone wore them.
It was also about Hair. Todays layered Bob I would have had then. Had my lovely long hair cut to be in fashion. Everyone wanted Vidal Sasson Hair styles.
I was recently sent an old video clip of Linda Ronsteadt! May as well have been looking at a younger version of myself..
Black liner and false lashes were all the rage, also now back in fashion.
Now i worked with woman and Men who were Rockers. Lovely people,
but they always looked scruffy looking.. The dark clothing and dark jeans,
did nothing for them.. but that was there choice. They also would have been more into early Queen, and David Bowie etc.
Beautiful wonderful colourful times, full of hope for the future. The best music
ever..I danced to everything from the Four tops, Roberta Flack,Kinks,Dave Clark Five. Supremes,Hollies, Peter and Gordon,Jeff Becks the list is endless...

Can someone turn back the clock for me please? I swear i am still only 19. Just never grew up, well my body did , my head is still young Thanks be to the Divine.

Your everywhere and no where baby, thats where your at?

On that note Docphil Ill say goodnight . Pleasant dreams Darlin.

Thanks for that trip down memory lane.. Now wheres thoses Mini Skirts i kept...

Old Doll.

Do you have this one in your repretoire?

I usually sing this on the girley W/E. But then i have my own womans backing group with me.
I really do like Men? I just couldnt eat a whole one. Hmm, Maybe fried then!
I jest of course!


Old Doll.


(49 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Must just put a foot note here. I hadnt seen Eagleeye's post. before i posted mine.. Anyhow, Eagleeye, you gave sound advice!  But your not supposed to let out my secret life as "Agony Aunt"
Ps. did you get your Present?

Old Doll.


(49 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi RockerChick,
Did something happen? Did you do something to make your parents rage at you?
If not! then you must have eye to eye conversation, through honest
communication with them. Confrontation is only about power. When you realise your parents have more experience in life you may understand more
where they are coming from? They only want to protect you.. You must
never do anything in life you would be ashamed of if your parents were there
looking at you.
Shhh now!, Could possibly be the womanly Hormones have kicked in big time to your teen age body. Difficult at any time. So try to be aware of these few pointers. If you want to be a Rocker Chick? then you must learn discipline from
right now..
If all fails, Email me any time.. I can be your shoulder you can rage
Barróga agus póga.. {Hugs and Kisses }

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

As Always!

Thank you all  for your very kind comments.

They are graciously received. The comments today brought  tears to my eyes!

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ah Son!

Your home safe!  Well did you kill off every Bacteria know to man from your
Stomach?.. I used a bucket of Comfrey on the ould knees, been on them  so long praying for your safe return!

Glad you had a good time.. UYK.

Old Doll.