
(14 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I have heard through my  network that Jandle and The Poker Dots made many a passer by day, very  enjoyable on Lambton Quay while raising a good amount of money towards a very good cause.


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Bethany has an exceptional talent not only with words but also with art.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jandle I think it is a song that someone could turn into great modern folk song instead of someone like me making a mess of it. But having said that I gave it my best shot.
I hope Beamer didnt mind me having a shot at it. I will take it down soon hopefully someone else will put a version of their own up. Trying to do a punk type song is a lot harder than I imagined.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Beamer I have had a go at doing a Punk Folk version of your song which I have put up on soundcloud for a couple days so you can download it if you want before I take it down.
Sorry I am not very good at Punk.   https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/mother-punk-ballad


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Bill great to hear from you missed having you around. Love to Dondra also'


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

That would have to be one of best discriptions of depression I have read ever. You also have put into words how society fails the vulnerable. There seems  to be big big budgets for what doesnt matter and lots of effort and money  thrown at superficiality. So called reality shows that have no connection to most or the real world. The two planets on one Planet Earth are Planet Rich, Planet Poor.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Not only is your short story well writen it is also very moving. I think you should submit it to a magazine to be published. Mojo you have a excellent ability to put words together.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Brilliant I missed the bit at the top. Sorry, I couldnt see the forest because of the tree's.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Tig excellent words. Appreciating every moment with love ones is important. To me a good title for your song would be one word Moments. I love what you have writen but I think Live and Love all your moments.  is all needed in that line. My thoughts and prayers go out to your daughters Mother In Law and family.


(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

The genius of Pink Floyd whatever era you like is they pushed themselves in all sorts of directions without the need to play fast paced music. I suspect they had a strong ethic to make the sound perfect  which also helped  with  major efforts designing and creating unique  musical and live experiences. Umma Gumma was the first album I enjoyed listening to of theirs  It took me a few years of hearing Dark  Side Of The Moon which my wife likes before I finally started to enjoy it. Atom Heart Mother most probably was the album that made me realise how good Pink Floyd is but I cant single out a personal favourite. I got the radio going quietly here and I ve just realised Another Brick In The Wall is just been played.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Those lyrics describe some I have known over the years. Excellent writing  which I can imagine it  performed perfectly in differant styles. You got the gold Beamer.



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

That is one excellent very moving song touching all the right places. Patti and Zen you turned a wet cold Sunday morning  outside into a warm  experience inside.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You have the bones of a good tune there. With some  adjustments it will work real good. I can in my mind hear other instruments adding to the foundations you have laid down.

Most of those likes and other bits on soundcloud from young woman are just computer generated rubish. I just ignore them the same with the advertising stuff and other annoying unwanted messages that I have received through soundcloud.

Tig your  song  expresses the pain of distance well.  You and your guitar do it real good. Also that is a beautiful wedding photo.  When our  Military Service People are deployed overseas a song that is sung as they about to leave called  "Po atarau"   in  Maori also touches me the same way.  I will attach a link to it  Now Is The Hour.     People who know of Vera Lyn will know the original english version.                           


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think the trouble with the world  is it has been taken over by big corporates in everything from media to all sorts of businesses. Here in NZ we followed the UK, we  had a group of people set up a pirate radio station outside our three mile limit on the sea. In their earlier years they were great but when they came into the system and were sold to a big corporation it was radio like everyone else with set play lists. The trouble with these Simon Cowel type characters is the big money backs them and how it operates is on boring staid formulas which work on copies of previous things that have satisfied the bean counters. The space that was made available for the original  innovative ideas and a chance to improvise that was for a short time, made available to people on TV and radio has been taken away by  controlling corporates.


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Wishing you and Dondra all the very best with your new venture.
Peatle and Maree


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

We have many famous people move to NZ get away from the busy rest of the World. Wellington is a place where many famous people come to make movies. Peter Jackson who made Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit movies is a local boy. James Cameron a very successful Hollywood producer lives in the part of our country known as the Wairarapa about an hours drive from Wellington. A local man Brett Mckenzie won an Academy Award for best Original song ,  Man or Muppet. The movie was Muppets Most Wanted, suposedly for kids many adults enjoy watching the Muppets also. Brett was also a member of a local musical comedy group Flight Of The Conchords who had a bit of sucess over in the States with young adult  Americans  watching their TV showed which was made in New York. I will attach one of the Flight Of The Conchords songs from that series Carol Brown.                                              youtube.com/watch?v=1cGoDns8wTA&list=RD1cGoDns8wTA


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill that is a  nice production.

Thank you C G I have often wonderd where Bob got his Dylan from. You mentioned another great song writer who I like also that is Paul Simon. I agree many of Bobs song are sung better by other people. Some songs of Bob's  need Dylans voice to make it work. Zurf does a great job of Bob's song.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

In the late 60's early 70's  I was continually excited by the differant music that was coming out of recording studios. There was such diversity and  far to many to pin down one song.

The film Alices Restaurant first got me interested in Arlo.  And Bob Dylans Hey Mr Tambourine Man was the first song I remember of his that got me listening to him. I wonder if Bob gave himself the last name Dylan as a nod to Dylan Thomas.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I dig the lyrics and can relate how you got that Floyd vibe. Maybe to get the vocals working double tracking your voice might give it a lift.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Some of my relatives and friends over in Australia refer to NZ as The Shaky Isles due to our earthquakes. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Apart from knowing about it through the News media it really had no impact on our end of the North Island.

Teach your children. Here is a  link to a concert version done by none chordies.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5AuFDHdrrg