(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Baldguitardude wrote:

Joey is humble but he's also winning car shows like Quincy Jones wins Grammys.

I have 2 more shows this weekend. Big ones. Wish me luck.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

unclejoesband wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:
unclejoesband wrote:

Very cool!!

I think you should bring it to NY next month. smile

You don`t appreciate how comfortable and better handling modern cars are until you drive an old one...

I can somewhat relate. I drive a Ford F700 everyday for work. I would imagine that Falcoon doesn't handle a whole lot better. But I at least have PS in the truck. It does make me appreciate jumping in the Camry at the end of the day.

You know......If you roll down that back window it's as good as AC. big_smile OK maybe not but it's a really cool feature.  What year is it? '62-63?

It`s a 62. We took it down the Cape yesterday. We felt it after that. The vinyl seats feel like big soft couches at first. On top of no Power steering, power brakes, ABS. A/C.3 on the tree. A long ride can be draining. Hard to believe that all cars were like that. It is great on gas. 100 miles on 1/4 tank.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

unclejoesband wrote:

Very cool!!

I think you should bring it to NY next month. smile

I wish. You don`t appreciate how comfortable and better handling modern cars are until you drive an old one. No power steering. No support in the seats. No A/C. Plus, Chris doesn`t know how to drive a stick.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Still can`t get a picture in on my own.Lol


Not a NGD. This time it is a car. Plus, I want to see if I figured out how to post a picture. No new guitars to post. In fact, I am thinking about selling some.

Nearly there Joe, I just edited the letters 'url' at the start and finish and changed to 'img' and 'Hey Presto' - Roger

Chris and I are trying to figure out which car  (CAH)  to take.  Mine- bigger and more room. Hers-- better on gas.

I`ll be there.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I`ve had some minor health issues. Haven`t played much or bought any new guitars.

Chances are good that I will be there. I don`t see myself working soon. Have to see if I can rent the same house again.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Williams wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

After recent "incidents",. Note-- Also had to go from chain smoking, hard drinking to doing nothing in one step. It does get frustrating knowing that I can`t do anything like I used to anymore.

Sounds like your recent incidents have done you small favour?

About 20 years ago I had similar symptoms. After lengthy tests they discovered I had something called sarcoidosis. It's not very nice, I had to give up gigging for about a year and a lot of other things I enjoy doing.
I doubt that is what you're suffering, but it would be worth checking it out?

When I say I can`t do anything like I used to, I am talking about physical activity. I could actually care less if I can`t drink or smoke anymore. It was nice but it wasn`t important.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After recent "incidents", I can`t play or do much of anything for more than a short time. A short drive takes a lot out of me. Haven`t even attempted a long drive yet.  Any ideas on what to do. Note-- Also had to go from chain smoking, hard drinking to doing nothing in one step. It does get frustrating knowing that I can`t do anything like I used to anymore.


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So sorry for your loss Bill. That is awful to hear

Wouldn`t it be easier to get a streaming box. They are fairly inexpensive and they recieve a lot of channels. I`ve had a Roku box for years, I love it.  One thing. Stay away from the Rabbit TV stick. It is a waste of money.


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Check Worcester, Mass. Craigslist. Post #6146190599


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy Birthday

keepitreal wrote:

I very rarely use a pick, but I had to smile at JJJ's comment about socks. I always seem to lose just one sock at a time. No idea where they go but I got a lot of odd socks. So if theirs any one legged strummers out there I can fix you up with some.

It must be awkward when it comes time to buy slippers

Baldguitardude wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

Now that it is a set date, I will let Chris know.  Like I said before, it depends on if I am working. Even if I am, I have to see if I can get the time off. Hoping I can make it again this time. At least I have a date to go by now.

Working? Bored already? You've only bought like 16 guitars since those uniform shirts went up in flames. smile

Starting to get bored. For some reason I pictured my retirement as being sitting on my deck playing and drinking Genesee all the time.That started to get old fast. Going from 14 hours each day to not working is a big step. I won`t do what I was doing. I will get something more age friendly and not as draining. At least I can be a little bit choosy this time. My job was sucking the life out of me more and more each day.

I think that picks go to the same place as socks when you take them out of the dryer. Find the socks and you will find the picks. And vica versa.

Now that it is a set date, I will let Chris know.  Like I said before, it depends on if I am working. Even if I am, I have to see if I can get the time off. Hoping I can make it again this time. At least I have a date to go by now.


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Doug_Smith wrote:

A little less $$$ and a good "stable" transportable would be one of these:  http://www.guitarcenter.com/Applause/Ba … -Guitar.gc
Almost indestructable and with good sound and well set-up.... needs a strap to help hold it unless you use a foot stand..... but I have been impressed with the ones I've played.

Those flat rubber thingys for removing caps from jars work great for keeping Ovations from sliding off your thigh. You can usually get them for free from whatever company advertises on them.


(19 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

For a tuner, I use a basic Korg GA 1 . For a pegwinder, an Ernie Ball Power Peg. When you string as many guitars as I do, you want to wind the pegs fast. Lol

It depends on my employment situation. Hopefully, I can make it this year.  I had a great time last year.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Babson to the right.  Mexican ladies on the bottom. As long as I don`t leave the cursor on it, it is just an ad. If I do, it clicks on the ad automatically. It doesen`t bother me. The one for Discount Tires came up. I did click on it. Has anyone ever done business with them. Four 17"  Cooper tires and wheels for 1300 sounds pretty good. Free Shipping. I may go through them.


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I almost bought one. You may find that hard to believe. It just didn`t seem like it was worth the price. They can be found for 299 brand new.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

To put it bluntly, If I like their music, I listen to it. If I don`t like it, I don`t listen.