(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Roger and Old Doll.

And it is nice to meet some more of the Chordie faithful members!

I think this will be a nice place to hang out!


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

many thanks for the kind words.

sadly, sometimes "too late" comes too early.


(25 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Topdown... I have to agree. The blues created what is now thought of as "American music", and Ray Charles (along with a bunch of others) really brought the blues to the forefront. Listen to the "Crying Time" album to hear how some of our popular country hits sounded before they were "country".


(25 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Yeah, I know he is from Canadia, I guess I lost the point of the thread...

but he does own property in Montana (I think), and he is a "North American" as opposed to a European?

(I'm reaching here, I know...)

Show the father of grunge some love!  smile


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I thought this was interesting.  I wrote this maybe ten years ago, and most of it is still current... How little we really change.

Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You are the first person I have "met"!  Thanks!

I am enjoying Chordie so far, and look forward to meeting some of the other members.

Is there a "welcome to chordie" thread, or a "how the heck are you" thread or anything like that?



(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I can't recall any Hancocks at the moment... My wife was born and raised here, I'll ask her.

I'm an Ohio Buckeye by birth, Virginian by marriage.

I seem to remember a Ronnie Hancock, but can't remember from where...


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice, scrimmy.

I just posted a song about my 12 y/o.

I am constantly amazed at how an unassuming little girl who plays with dolls (in pigtails, no less) can make even the biggest, burliest man weak in the knees.

Well done, sir.  I will try to learn this one.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Southpaw...

I thought time started to go by faster when I got out of High School.

Having her has increased the speed of time exponentially.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Written for my "bug" - 12 y/o daughter.

Simple, but I like it... (I fingerpick a simple 4/4)

Don’t Hurry The Yearsfor my Bug

fingerstyle, in 4/4 time

[A] Sun in her hair, and[D] questions in her[A] eyes

[D] Most of her[A] life she has[E] yet to real-[A]ize

[A] Her hands are still a baby's when she[D] puts them in[A] mine

She[D] can't wait to[A] grow up; she's[E] pushing her[A] time

From our[D] angel, our[A] baby, a young[E] woman ap[A]pears

Don't[D] rush off to[A] leave us; don't[E] hurry the[A] years

[D] [A] [E] [A]

[A] From bassinet, to tea sets to[D] secrets in the[A] hall

From[D] stuffed bears to[A] boyfriends, she's[E] off playing[A] ball

[A]She acts so grown up when[D] she's with her[A] friends


But[D] when she calls me [A]"Daddy", she's my[E] baby a-[A]gain

Chorus (x2)


(25 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I know this is an old post, and probably forgotten about, along with a lot of the other "who was the best" threads, but I thought this one was interesting.

It began asking about the most "influential" which, to me, brings up an entirely different set than "most famous".

I was surprised to see that Neil Young and Bob Dylan were not mentioned here...

(I looked again, and did see Bob Dylan listed once, sorry.)

These two, along with John Denver, were, in my humble estimation, among the most influential artists of their times. Not necessarily for the songs they recorded, but for the music they wrote which is often credited to other artists (Peter, Paul, and Mary come to mind because they were mentioned before) because they made the songs popular.

On another note, I saw that Guy Davis was also mentioned here. While I am a huge fan of his, I really don't know if he could be said to have influenced a lot of music. I rather think of him as an artist of tribute to some of the pioneers in blues like Robert Johnson and Son House. Guy once said that he never picked cotton, but he listened to a lot of cotton pickers growing up, and I think he is doing a tremendous job of carrying on their traditions.

good thread. made me think a little smile


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I do a little of both. When I finger, I like to use a thumb pick to really thump it. A friend of mine (who has since moved back to Germany) had a thumb pick with which he could strum. It had a very narrow pick area, and was separated (split-like) where it joined the thumb so that it didn't fly off of his thumb on the upstroke.

Pretty cool pick, I need to find one...


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Would it be easier to play the songs as written and use a capo to get "in key" with the wifey?