(20 replies, posted in Electric)

Does anybody know how many Fender Tele's have been made?


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

Roy Buchanan, Danny Gatton and the Iceman Albert Collins! Talk about some Tele players!


Try this for starters.


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

12 string guitars are not designed for long life. The string tension will "belly" the top, pull off the bridge and unseat a neck.  If you want to make it last, use extra light strings.  You might want to tune it down a half step as well. I got mine when it was too late to make a difference.  Now its tuned in open G.  Still sounds great but its unplayable in standard E tuning.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Good advice Det.  Ditto everything you said.  I've seen acoustics that have been left in trunks of cars come apart.  It ain't pretty. That PRS should be just about bullet proof if kept in a proper climate. Don't be afraid of the truss rod.  If it weren't made to be adjusted, they would have hidden it better.


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

other comparative good news. I work with a guy that complains to me that he and his wife spend
$140 US on cigarettes a week.... With the help of my trusty calculator, thats a new guitar every two months or a new super nice guitar every 4 months..  Just  a thought...


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Gerald, I've also seen these "acoustic cables" advertised. I don't know what that means.  It's almost as if they've developed an alloy of gold/silver/aluminum/copper/unobtainium etc that transmits an acoustic signal better than an electric signal.  I think the point is that all signals transmitted via a cable are electric, thus, my confusion here.  I don't know what an acoustic cable is except for a name on a label.  Lately the price of guitar cables has shot through the roof, so regardless of type of guitar they were designed for, I try to find the ones that I can afford without regard for "type".


(1 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

kind of an old post but I would like to see you guys play at the Hofbrau Biergarten in Panama City Beach if that's in your travel plans.  I might be brave enough to bring a mandolin if you can make it up to the "real" Florida.


(1 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Sorry about the delay in answering but I would love to have a mandolin an octave lower than standard, I've seen a bouzouki, is this the same thing??


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Oh yeah,  almost forgot..."Almost Heaven, West Virginia..."  Who doesn't know that one??


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

You Never Even Called Me By My Name is the National Anthem of the GA, AL, FL tri-state area despite what you hear about that Sweet Home/ Werewolves of London thing that Kid Rock does...:)


(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I own a Godin 5th Ave in black.  A friend of mine brought his girl friends guitar to me to see if I could "fix" it.  It was an Art and Lutherie guitar in the exact same black finish as my 5th Ave. Exactly.  I restrung it with Martin SP's and it was "fixed". I complemented him on his choice of girl friends and gave it back to him. It played really well.


(16 replies, posted in Electric)

Marshall- The Guv'nor (not the Guv'nor II).  There are several on Ebay right now.  Basically, its a Marshall preamp with 5 knobs: input, treble, mid, bass and volume.  You can set it from super clean to ultra dirty. Its your choice.  These are no longer in production and are getting harder and harder and more expensive to get but mine's lasted 20+ years and works great.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jerome is absolutely correct.  Galway is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!  Just got back from a 9 day stay in Ireland.  Got to play Gibson pre-war mandolin with a band in a Temple Bar pub in Dublin.  Got to attend Frankie Gavin and De Dannen's latest album release show.  Saw David Gray on a stage right outside my hotel window in Galway on "Arthur's Day".  Seems like everyone there plays some kind of traditional instrument.  I found out that lately, traditional Irish music and Gaelic is compulsory in school.  I like that about a country.  I'm looking forward to a return trip.  By the way, drinking a Guinness in the Gravity Bar on the 7th floor of the brewery in Dublin is way cool.  But drinking a fresh Guinness anywhere is a treat. 
  I was amazed at the number of music stores.  Seems like there's one or two on every block. So the demand is high for guitars, drums, fiddles, mandolin and banjos.  I stayed on a street in Dublin that had 3 guitar shops and an instrument repair shop.  Amazing.  We have two stores in my town and I know that many Chordians have to travel for hours to get to their "local" store. In Ireland, it seems, you can't help but find what you're looking for within walking distance of where you live.

Ok. Again, this thread drives me crazy.  Martin SP 92/8 phosphor bronze strings cost $4.94 per set. How much are you paying for Elixers ? How much longer do they last??  Do y'all really think a plastic coated string sounds better than a pure alloy string at 1/4th the cost?  Really, I want to know. Please sound off on this.  If you think I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong because I am convinced that all this fancy coating stuff is just a way to make you spend more money for no good reason.
Thanks in advance for participating.


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Third lesson and discussing mixolydian scales??  Wow....Either this teacher thinks you are a genius, you are a genius, or he's just full of himself and wants you to know how much more he knows than you do. I've been playing guitar since 1974 and I can only discuss blues scales and whatever Carlos Santana plays. Those two items are not in your teachers list. I get by just fine.  Dorian is a type of column isn't it??  Good luck finding a new teacher.


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

southrnrockr wrote:

Does anyone else have a guitar that they just can't retire for a better one?

Yeah, My first was and is a 1980 Ovation 1112 Balladeer.  Fantastic action, great sound and over the years that spruce top has turned into my favorite color: Gretsch Orange. Its an awesome guitar that won't quit. Ebony fretboard, mahogany neck, Lyrachord body.  Has survived numerous bar incidents... Practically, but not actually bullet proof. Alas, I wax sentimental......


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I quit 4 years ago , I used the patches, and they burn your skin!  Had to pick a new location every day.. if they had had e-cigs back then, I definately would have used them..Congrats Topdown, stick with it, its worth it.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Awesome, should be a good time!


(231 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So these two cannibals are out in the jungle eating clown.

One looks at the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?


ARGH!  I shoulda read all the posts first! someone already posted a version of this!


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Anyone from Galway? I'm headed there next week to watch the Guiness World Oyster Opening Championships. I'm curious about the Galway music scene, pubs and such.



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

My Doctor prescribed me Voltaren gel (not the pill!) just rub it on and it works.  Ask your doc if its appropriate for you and try to get a sample and try it out. Where I live, its prescription only.

Addendum:  Your guitar is already comparable to an American Strat with the exception of the finish. While Some American Strats come with nitro-cellulose finishes, most MIM Strats have polyurethane finishes.  Note the difference between some and most.  One is more durable than the other. Which do you desire? As for the neck tuners and nut etc.  remember that this is still a Fender guitar.  Americans guitars with the same ingredients will always demand a higher price because of that USA decal and USA labor.  The MIM Strat that I had was flawless, from tuners to neck to body, finish, electronics, everything. It really was a guitar that needed nothing to improve it.  Now, I haven't seen or played yours, but don't let that MIM sticker be a stigma...

Welcome Sax!

Replacement pickups always come with the appropriate gage wiring attached.  Just solder the ends the where the old ones connected.  Other things to think about are parallel versus series pickup wiring and what you are hoping to emulate with this guitar. I recently had a MIM Strat that had great pickups in it that i would not consider changing.   Your choice of amps will have a huge impact on your sound. Pickups are cheaper to change than amps are but I'd consider amp choice over pickups.  I've got some 40 plus year old guitars with the original pickups that sound great through my amp. Effects pedals are the other consideration.. These are also going to color your sound...Every electric player that I know, has a bunch of them.  But I digress... Your guitar is a MIM Fender Strat.  Fender does not use cheap  or inferior  pickups on their guitars.  So, if you're looking to make it a shred-metal-machine, you might look for those type of active pickups, otherwise, I'd leave them alone.  Good Luck!


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

I've got a hollow body electric that I put acoustic strings on once.  The strings were phosphor bronze acoustic strings.  When I plugged it in, it did produce some sound through the amp but it was weak. "Electric" strings were what was called for. There wasn't enough ferrous material to make the magic work.  Some acoustic sound-hole guitar pickups are designed for use with acoustic strings and they work fine.  On an acoustic with a piezo bridge, it doesn't matter because its the vibration of the string that creates the juice.If you're playing acoustic without an amp, electric strings will not produce the sound clarity and volume that acoustic strings will produce.  Its a matter of physics and taste. Personally, I buy three different brands and gages of strings for the guitars that I play.  Its what works for me.  What works for you will most likely be different.  Its taken me years  to find my Happy Medium. Good Luck finding yours!

P.S.  It's not a stupid question.


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

When I saw what you had to do, I was worried about all that string tension on such a small shear -loaded surface. Congrats on fixing that! It didn't look very easy at all.