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born raised in black white  Highwaymen

        T[E]he wind blows hard across the Texas planes
Makes some people go insane
        While others quietly pr[A]ay for rain
        Th[E]at's where we came fr[B]om
Verse 2:
        T[E]wo boys playing in the burning sun
One with books,one with guns
        Mama calls but j[A]ust one comes
        T[E]he other one runs
        In a cr[A]ystal sense of wr[E]ong and right
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
        One le[A]arned to pray,one l[E]oved to fight
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
Verse 3:
        B[E]rother took to the gospel road
Spent his whole live saving souls
        When he looked at me his bl[A]ood ran cold
        He d[E]idn't even try
Verse 4:
        I [E]had no dreams,i had no plans
But a gun felt good in my right hand
        The warden asked how come you k[A]illed that man
        I said i d[E]on't know why
Chorus bis:
        Welc[A]ome home said the h[E]ot moonlight
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
        One l[A]ives to pray,one pr[E]ays for life
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
Verse 5:
        S[E]omeone handed me a cigarette
They offered me my last request
        I asked my mortal s[A]oul be blessed
        By s[E]omeone close to m[B]e
Verse 6:
        H[E]e came to me with trembling hands
He swore he'd never understand
        I said it's just what l[A]ife had planned
        It's d[E]estiny
Chorus ter:
        Don't w[A]aste your tears on m[E]e tonight
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
        I ch[A]ose the dark,you ch[E]ased the light
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
        We were b[A]orn and raised in bl[B]ack and wh[E]ite
Verse 1.
Thanks to David M. Potter ( for the lyrics.
Perret Charles-Amir :

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