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The price i pay  Billy Bragg

##song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. ##           (Billy Bragg)#intro: G  Em  C  G  DMy f[G]riend said she could see n[Em]o way ahead

And [A]I was probably better off withou[C]t you
She said to fa[G]ce up to the fact that y[Em]ou weren't coming back
And s[A]he could make me happy like yo[C]u used to
But I'm [G]sorry to say I tur[B7]ned her away
Know[C]ing everything she said was[Ab] tr[Maj7]ue
And that's the pr[G]ice I pay for lov[Em]ing you the way that [C]I do
There's some[G]thing inside that hu[Em]rts my foolish pride
To visi[A]t the places we used to go toge[C]ther
Not a d[G]ay goes by that I don't s[Em]it and wonder why
Your feel[A]ings for me didn't last fo[C]rever
Girl I love[G] you so much that some[B7]times it's such
I'd walk a mi[C]le with a stone in my sh[Ab]oe
And that's tha[G]t price I pay for lov[Em]ing you the way that [C]I do  ([G]2x)[D]
   [Em]    [A]   [C]  [G]   [Em]    [A]   [C]  So keep that ph[G]one out of my way for the thi[B7]ngs I must say
Are emp[C]ty if you don't believe they'[Ab]re [Maj7]true
And that's tha[G]t price I pay for lovin[Em]g you the way that [C]I do
That's the pri[G]ce I pay for lovin[Em]g you the way that [C]I do
I love [G]you so mu[Em]ch that baby it's such
I'd walk a mi[A]le with a stone in my sh[C]oe  ...

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A Ab B7 C D Em G
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