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Whiskey Lullaby  Brad Paisley

[G]She put him out like the burnin[C]' end of a midnight [G]cigarette
[G]She broke his heart he [C]spent his whole life tryin' to fo[D]rget
[C]We watched him drink his pain away[G] a little at a time
But he[C] never could get drunk enough to [G]get her off his mind
Until the [D]night
1st Chorus
He [G]put that bottle to his head and pulled the trig[D]ger
And f[EM]inally drank away her m[C]emory
Li[G]fe is short but this time it was bi[D]gger
Than the str[EM]ength he had to get up off his k[C]nees
W[G]e found him with his face down in the pi[d]llow
Wi[EM]th a note that said I'll love her till I [C]die
[G]And when we buried him beneath the w[D]illow
The ang[C]els sang a whiskey lul[Em]laby
la[Em] la la la la la la lalal[C]alala

[G]The rumors flew but no[C]body knew how much she blamed her[G]self
[G]For years and years she[C] tried to hide the whiskey on her[D] breath
She [C]finally drank her pain away a lit[G]tle at a time
But she ne[C]ver could get drunk enough to [G]get him off her mind
Un[D]til the night
2nd Chorus
She put that bo[G]ttle to her head and pulled the tr[D]igger
An[EM]d finally drank away hi[C]s memory
L[G]ife is short but this time it was b[D]igger
T[EM]han the strength she had to get [C]up off her knees
[G]We found her with her face down in the p[D]illow
[EM]Clinging to his picture for dear li[C]fe
[G]We laid her next to him beneath the [D]willow

Wh[C]ile the angels sang a [Em]whiskey lullaby

l[Em]a la la la la la la lala[C]lalala


| This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation |
| of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, |
| or research. |

Ultimate-Guitar.Com © 2005

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C D Em Em G
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