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Wildflower  Skylark

[Em]She's faced the [Em7]hardest times [C#m7-5] you could i[CM7]magine,
And m[Am7]any times, her e[D7]yes fought back the te[GM7]ars;[G6]
[Em]And when her y[Em7]outhful world[C#m7-5] was about to [CM7]fall in,
Each t[Am7]ime her slender [D7]shoulders drew the w[Am7]eight of all her f[D7]ears,
And a [Am7]sorrow no one he[D7]ars
Still [CM7]rings in [Bm7]midnight [Am7]silence [F7]in her e[E]ars.
Let her [CM7]cry [Am7] for she's a [GM7]lady,[G6]
Let her d[C]ream [B7] for she's a c[Em]hild;[B+]
Let the r[C]ain fall d[Bm7]own u[Am7]pon her [D9]--
She's a [Am7]free and gentle [D7]flower, growing w[GM7]ild.
Be [Em]careful how you [Em7]touch her, for[C#m7-5] she'll a[CM7]waken,
And s[Am7]leep's the only [D7]freedom that she k[GM7]nows;[G6]
And [Em]when you look i[Em7]nto her eyes,[C#m7-5] you won't be[CM7]lieve
The [Am7]way she's always [D7]paying for a [Am7]debt she never[D7] owed,
And a s[Am7]ilent wind still [D7]blows
That [CM7]only [Bm7]she can h[Am7]ear, and [F7]so she g[E]oes.
Repeat Refrain:
And [CM7]if by chance I should [GM7]hold her,
Let me [CM7]hold her for a t[GM7]ime;
But if all[CM7]owed just one pos[GM7]session,
I would [Am]pick her from the g[Am7]arden to be mi[GM7]ne.[B7]
Repeat Refrain:

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Am Am7 B+ B7 Bm7 C C#m7-5 Cm7 D7 D9 E Em Em7 F7 G6 Gm7
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