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Tea for Two  

D A7 Dalt G6 G5
I'm discontented with homes that are rented,
[G6]So [D]I have inv[Em7]ented [A7]my o[D]wn;[D+]
[Bm]Darling, this p[F#7]lace is a [Bm7]lover's o[Edim]asis,
Where [Bm]life's weary c[F#7]hase is unkn[Bm]own.
[Em7]Far from the [A7]cry of the c[D]ity,
Where [F#m7]flowers [Edim]pretty car[G]ess the str[D]eams,[Em7] [A7]
[D]Cozy to h[A7]ide in, to l[D6]ive side by s[G]ide in,
[A7]Don't [D]let it ab[Em7]ide in [A7]my dre[D]ams.
[Em7]Pic - ture [A7]you up -[Em7] on my [A7]knee,
Jut [DM7]Tea for [D6]two and [DM7]two for [D6]tea;
Just [Em7]me for [A7]you and [Em7]you for [A7]me a - l[D]one.[D6]
[G#m7]No - bod - y [C#7]near us to[G#m7] see us or [C#7]hear us,
[F#]No friends or re - [F#6]la - tions on w[F#]eek - end va -[F#6] ca - tions,
We [G#m7]won't have it k[C#7]nown, dear, that[G#m7] we own a [C#7]tel - e - [F#]phone, d[Fm7]ear;
[Em7]Day will br[A7]eak, and [Em7]you'll a - w[A7]ake,
And s[DM7]tart to b[D6]ake a [DM7]su - gar ca[D6]ke;
For [Em7]me to t[A7]ake for [Em7]all the [A7]boys to [B7]see.[Gdim] [B7]
[Em]We will [F#m7]raise a [B+]fam - i - [B7]ly,
A[Cdim] boy for [Em]you, a [Gm]girl for[A7] me,
Oh, c[G]an't you [A7]see how [Em7]hap - py [A7]we would [D]be?

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A7 B+ B7 Bm Bm7 C#7 Cdim D D+ D6 Dm7 Edim Em Em7 F# F#6 F#7 F#m7 Fm7 G G#m7 G6 Gdim Gm
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