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I'll Remember You  Andy Williams

Intro: | G - B7 | C - D7 |
I[D7]'ll re -[Cdim] mem - ber [G]you [Bm] [C]
[Am7]Long after t[D7]his [Cdim]endless s[G]ummer has g[E7]one [Am7]
[C]I'll [C/B] be [Am7]lone -[Am7/G] ly [Cm]oh so [Cdim]lonely,
[C]Living [C/B]on - [Am7]ly [D7]to [Am7]to re -[Cdim] mem - ber y[G]ou.[Bm7] [Am7]
[D7]I'll re - [Cdim]mem - ber y[G]ou, [Bm] [C]
[Am7]Your voice as [D7]soft[Cdim] as the w[G]arm summer br[E7]eeze[Am7],
[C]Your [C/B]sweet l[Am7]augh -[Am7/G] ter, [Cm]mor - nings[Cdim] af - ter,
[C]E - ver[C/B] af - [Am7]ter, o[D7]oo, I[Am7]'ll re -[Cdim] mem - ber y[G]ou.[Am7] [G7]
[Am7](To your [Cdim]arms sone - d[G7]ay)
[C]To your [C/B]arms somed[A]ay[Em7] [A7] I[Am7]'ll re - [Edim]turn to s[D7]tay.[Am7] [D7]
[D9]Till t[E7]hen
[Fdim]I'll re - [E7]mem - ber, t[A]oo,[C#m] [D9]
Ev'ry bright s[E7]tar[Fdim] we made wi[A]sh [C#m] - es up -[F#7] on
[D]Love me [DM7]al - ways, [Dm+7]prom - ise[Dm6] al - ways.
O[D]ooh - [F#m]oooh - [Bm7]oooh - [Fdim]oooh - o[E7]ooh,
[Bm7-5]You'll re -[Fdim] mem - ber, t[A]oo.[F#7] [D9] [E7] [Fdim] [A]

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A A7 Am7 Am7/G Bm Bm7 Bm7-5 C C#m C/B Cdim Cm D D7 D9 Dm7 Dm+7 Dm6 E7 Edim Em7 F#7 F#m Fdim G G7
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