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Love Is a Sweet Thing  Faith Hill

Faith Hill - Love is a Sweet Thing
 ---(capo 4th fret)---

Intro - C - Am7 - Bb - G = 2x's
(verse 1)
He was si[C]tting on a corner with a bo[Am7]ttle of beer,
And the s[Bb]ame shopping cart he'd been pu[G]shing for years,
A big sm[C]ile on his face,
Like the f[Am7]irst day of spring,
All the pe[Bb]ople looked the other way,
but they h[G]eard him sing, and he sang,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve, love is a s[Em7]weet thing[G],
He sang love,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve is a s[Em7]weet thing[G],
(verse 2)
She s[C]hot out of Texas,
Like a bu[Am7]llet from a gun,
With a [Bb]van full of hippies and a b[G]and on the run,
She didn't w[C]ant to be famous,
She just w[Am7]anted to play,
In old d[Bb]ive bars and pool halls she g[G]ot up on stage,
And she sang,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve, love is a s[Em7]weet thing[G],
She sang love,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve is a s[Em7]weet, sweet t[G]hing,
It's eve[F]rywhere you look,
If you l[Fm]ook hard enough,
Its re[C]ally not hard to see,
Yeah, once you p[F]ut your arms around it,
You can n[Fm]ever get too much,
[G]Love is a sweet, sweet t[G7]hing,
(lead chords - C - Am7 - Em7 - G = 2x's)
It's in the sm[F]ile of a stranger,
In the e[Fm]yes of a child,
On the c[C]orner of a crowded street,
Its eve[F]rywhere around us,
Its al[Fm]ways growing wild,
[G]Love is a sweet, sweet th[G7]ing,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve, love is a s[Em7]weet thing[G],
I sang love, love, love,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve is a s[Em7]weet, sweet t[G]hing,
I sang, l[C]ove, love, l[Am7]ove,
Love is a s[Em7]weet, sweet th[G]ing
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve, love is a s[Em7]weet thing[G],
I sang love,
[C]Lo[-]--[Am7]ve is a s[Em7]weet, sweet t[G]hing

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Am7 Bb C Em7 F Fm G G7
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