Bless the Broken Road Rascal Flatts
Title: Bless the broken Road
Tabed by: Aceharb
This song has a few variations from the one above I had tabbed this one out by
ear and i went to see if anyone had put it on the site and bamm their it was
This has An "F" "Fmaj7" Variation and No Am7 Just Am
The Solo Gose In the order C Fmaj7 G Am F G C well that sould get you threw
the whole song.
F 11230x
Fmaj7 01230x
Am 01220x
G 330023
C 01023x
Dm 1320xx
(verse 1)
[C]I set[Fmaj7] out on a na[G]rrow [Am]way, [F]many y[G]ears [C]ago,
[C]Hoping[Fmaj7] I would fi[G]nd tr[Am]ue love, a[F]long the br[G]oken r[C]oad,
But[Am] I got lost a [G]time or two,
[F]wipe my [C]brow and kept [Dm]pushing thr[G]ough,
[C]I couldn't[Fmaj7] see how ev[G]ery [Am]sign, [F]pointed s[G]traight to [C]you,
[C]Every l[F]ong lost dr[C]eam, led me to wh[G]ere you a[C]re,
Others who b[F]roke my h[Am]eart, they were like [Dm]Nort[C]hern[G] stars,
[C]Pointing me [F]on my [C]way, into your lo[G]ving [Am]arms,
This much I [Dm]know [C]is t[F]rue,
That [C]God [Fmaj7]bless the br[G]oken [Am]road that [F]lead me s[G]traight to [C]you,
(verse 2)
I t[C]hink a[Fmaj7]bout the [G]years I [Am]spent, j[F]ust [G]passin [C]through,
I'd[C] like [Fmaj7]to have t[G]he time [Am]I lost, [F]and [G]give it back [C]to you,
But[Am] you just smile and [G]take my hand,
[F]You've [C]been there [Dm]you under[G]stand,
[C]It's all[Fmaj7] part of a [G]grander [Am]plan, [F]that is [G]commin [C]true,
[C]Every l[F]ong lost dr[C]eam, led me to wh[G]ere you a[C]re,
Others who b[F]roke my h[Am]eart, they were like N[Dm]orthe[C]rn s[G]tars,
[C]Pointing me [F]on my [C]way, into your lo[G]ving [Am]arms,
This much I [Dm]know [C]is t[F]rue,
That [C]God [Fmaj7]bless the br[G]oken [Am]road that l[F]ead me st[G]raight to y[C]ou,
Now [C]I'm [Fmaj7]just roll[G]in� [Am]home, [F]into [G]my lovers [C]arms,
This much I [Dm]know [C]is t[F]rue,
That [C]God [Fmaj7]bless the br[G]oken [Am]road that l[F]ead me st[G]raight to y[C]ou,
That [C]God [Fmaj7]bless the br[G]oken [Am]road, that [F]lead me s[G]traight, to y[C]ou.
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