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When the Sun Goes Down  Kenny Chesney

Title: When the Sun Goes Down
CD: When the Sun Goes Down (2004)
 Intro - A - D - E - A - D - A

(verse 1)
[A]Suntan toes ti[D]ckling the s[E]and,
[A]Cold drink chillin in [D]my right h[E]and,
[A]Watchin you sleep in the e[D]venin l[E]ight,
[A]Restin up for a l[D]ong long ni[A]ght, cause
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]Everything gets hotter when the s[D]un goes d[A]own, y[A]ea[-] [D] [-] [E] [-] [A] [-] [D] [-] [A]
(verse 2)
[A]All day long just ta[D]kin it e[E]asy,
[A]Layin in the hammick where it's n[D]ice and br[E]eezy,
[A]Sleepin off the n[D]ight be[E]fore,
Cause when the sun goes down we'll be b[D]ack for m[A]ore,
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]Everything gets hotter when the s[D]un goes d[A]own,
 (lead - A - D - E - A - D - E - A - D - E - A - D - A = 2x's)

(verse 3)
[A]This old guitar and my d[D]ark su[E]nglasses,
[A]This sweet concoction is sm[D]ooth as mol[E]asses,
[A]Nothin to do but b[D]reathe all [E]day,
[A]Till the big moon rises and it's t[D]ime to p[A]lay,
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]Everything gets hotter when the s[D]un goes d[A]own,
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]Everything gets hotter when the s[D]un goes d[A]own,
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]Everything gets hotter when the s[D]un goes d[A]own,
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]She thinks Kracker's sexy when the s[D]un goes d[A]own, yea
[A]When the sun goes down[D], we'll be gr[E]oovin,
When the s[A]un goes down, f[E7]eelin alright,
When the [A]sun sinks down[D], over the w[E]ater,
[A]Uncle Kenny's hotter when the s[D]un goes d[A]own, yea

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A D E E7
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