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Back to Memphis  Billy Ray Cyrus

Title: Back to Memphis
Intro Chord - D
[D]It ain't natural for a [A]delta man,
[G]To be surrounded by a[A]ll this sand,
[D]To fear the echoes[A] of live rounds,
[G]To never sleep[A] when the sun goes down,
[Bm]So I'm wri[A]ting you this l[G]etter,
To say I [D]miss you more than e[Em7]ver and to promise you [Asus/A]this,
[G]WHEN I m[A]ake it back to M[D]emphis,
[G]I'm gonna t[A]ake you in my a[D]rms,
And never [Bm]let you go,[G]
And girl I p[A]romise you a k[D]iss,
For [F#m]every day we've m[Bm]issed[A],[-] [G]
'Til I [A]make it back to Memphi[D]s,
I'll have to say I think we've done some good
If I had to do it all again I know I would
There's still a few shots every now and then
But they say this thing is finally coming to an end
So this might be my final letter
I say the sooner the better cause I'm ready to come home
When I make it back to Memphis
I'm gonna take you in my arms
And never let you go
And girl I promise you a kiss
For every day we've missed
'Til I make it back to Memphis
[Bm]She reads his [A]letters every[G]day,
Then she [A]puts them all away[Bm],
Next to his [A]medal and a [G]flag,
That she would [F#m]gladly give [Em]bac[-]k,[D] [-] [G]
If i[G]t would [A]bring him back to M[D]emphis,
So [G]he could ta[A]ke her in his a[D]rms,
And n[A]ever [Bm]let her go,[G]
Cause he prom[A]ised her a k[D]iss,
For [F#m]every day they've [Bm]miss[-]ed[A],[-] [G]
'Til he m[A]ade it back to Mem[D]phis,
If he c[G]ould only m[A]ake it back to Memph[D]is,[-] [C] [-] [G] [-] [D]
[D]Back to Memphis
Back to Memphis
Back to Memphis

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A Asus/A Bm C D Em Em7 F#m G
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