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Dancing With Angels  SHeDAISY

Written by: Kristyn Osborn & Austin Cunningham
From the album "The Whole Shebang" by SHeDAISY (1999 Lyric Street Records)
Transcribed by: Jana Pochop -
Intro: Drone on G chord
[G]Somew[Am]here [C]between
[G]What c[Am]an and c[C]an't be seen
[G]I k[Am]nelt i[C]n your spring
[G]You du[Am]sted o[C]ff my wings
[F]Your kiss u[G]pon my face
[F]Feels like a b[G]rush with grace
[F]Baby, that's a[G]ll it takes
To t[Dm]ake me higher
[G]If true love r[Am]eally does ex[C]ist
It would feel as pure as t[G]his
Baby, i[Am]t's as if
We're da[C]ncing with a[F]ngels
[G]Stealing l[Am]ight from shooting s[C]tars
We're just taking what is o[G]urs
In each o[Am]ther's arms
We're da[C]ncing with an[F]gels
How did we find
Smooth blue in a crooked sky
Could be love winds
Gold threads through a grand design
Your whisper on my skin
Familiar healing wind
We must be slipping in
Heaven's windows
[G]If true love r[Am]eally does ex[C]ist
It would feel as pure as t[G]his
Baby, i[Am]t's as if
We're da[C]ncing with a[F]ngels
[G]Stealing l[Am]ight from shooting s[C]tars
We're just taking what is o[G]urs
In each o[Am]ther's arms
We're da[C]ncing with an[F]gels[G]
Fiddle: /G F / G / G
Bridge: /A Bm / D / A Bm / D G /
[/A] [Bm] [/] [D] [/] [A] [Bm] [/] [D] [/] [(D] [A] [F)] 
[F]Your kiss u[G]pon my face
[F]Feels like a b[G]rush with grace
[F]Baby, that's a[G]ll it takes
To t[Dm]ake me higher
(Repeat Chorus 2x)
Fade out on: G Am C
Outro: G

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A Am Bm C D Dm F G
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