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Repent  SHeDAISY

Repent - SHeDAISY
From the album Knock on the Sky
Kristyn Osborn, Marcus Hummon
Transcribed by: Jana (
D6: xxx202
B: x244xx (see notes)
A: x02220
E: 022100
D: xx0232
G: 320003
F#: 244322
F#m: 244222
Bm: x24432
Notes: For the first part of the verse, try alternating between B with 4th
string 4th fret and 4th string 6th fret:
one and two and
x24xxx x24xxx x26xxx x24xxx
D6 --> (A) B
[B]I�ve been walkin' through the fields for hours
Blind to the wild of the wildflowers
[A]Hovering above my own l[E]ife
Like an appari[B]tion
[B]I've been livin' on bread and water
Somebody's wife, mother, somebody's daughter
[A]Even in the face in the mir[E]ror
No recogn[B]ition
I f[D]eel my s[G]oul slipping o[D]ut of my s[G]kin
Come cl[D]ean in a po[E]ol of f[F#]ire jump in
�Cause e[G]verybody needs a rev[D]ival
[A]Get up off your knees and da[E]nce
Iit's fu[G]ndamental to our su[D]vival
Get h[F#]ell bent on shakin' that b[A]ig white tent
and repent! (Intro)
All you need is the nagging hunger
Baby the bush is burnin' I ain't getting any younger
Belly up and believe, whatcha waiting for
A revelation
All it takes is a taste of the spirit
Like an addict gotta have it every time I get near it
Straight to the heart of the matter
No hesitation
[B]No other high like liberation
[D] [G] [D] [G] [D] [E] [F#]  
Bm F#m D E (2x)
[Bm]Have I r[F#m]eally lost my s[D]oul
If so [E]I don't know where it went
[Bm]And if there's [F#m]no other way back ho[D]me
I guess I mi[E]ght as well repent...[Bm]
End: Jam over Intro (B), fade out

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A B Bm D E F# F#m G
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