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Crazy to Love You  Leonard Cohen

intro: B A E
[E]Had to go crazy to l[A]ove you
[E]Had to go down to the pi[B]t
[E]Had to do[(E7)] time in the tower[A]
[F#]Begging my crazy to [B]quit
[E]Had to go crazy to l[A]ove you
[E]You who were[/C#] never the o[B]ne
Whom I c[E]hased through th[(E7)]e souvenir heart[A]ache
Her [E]braids and her b[B]louse all un[A]done[E]
[C#m]Sometimes I'd head for the h[B]ighway
I'm [C#m]old and the [F#]mirrors don't li[B]e
But [E]crazy has places to [G#]hide in[C#]
That are[F#] deeper than any goo[B]dbye
Had to go crazy to love you
Had to let everything fall
Had to be people I hated
Had to be no one at all
I'm tired of choosing desire
I've been saved by a blessed fatigue
The gates of commitment unwired
And [E]nobody t[B]rying to lea[E]ve
Sometimes I'd head for the highway
I'm old and the mirrors don't lie
But crazy has places to hide in
That are deeper than any goodbye
Had to go crazy to love you
You who were never the one
Whom I chased through the souvenir heartache
Her [E]braids and her b[B]louse [A] all undo[E]ne

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A B C# C#m E F# G#
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