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Tennessee Waltz (live)  Leonard Cohen

[G] [D7] [G] [G]  
I was da[G]ncing with my darlin'
to the Tennessee W[C]altz
When an [G]old friend I happened to s[D7]ee
Introd[G]uced him to my darlin'
and while they were d[C]ancing
My fr[G]iend stole my sw[D7]eetheart from m[G]e
I rem[G]ember the n[B7]ight and the T[C]ennessee W[G]altz
'Cause I know just how much I have l[D7]ost
Yes I l[G]ost my little darlin'
The night they were pl[C]aying
The b[G]eautiful T[D7]ennessee W[G]altz
[G] [C]  
[G] [D7]  
[G] [C]  
[G] [D7] [G]  
I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
'Cause I know just how much I have lost
Yes I lost my little darlin'
The night they were playing
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz
She comes dancing through the darkness
To the Tennessee Waltz
And I feel like I'm falling apart
And it's stronger than drink
And it's deeper than sorrow
This darkness she's left in my heart
I'll remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
'Cause I know just how much I have lost
Yes I lost my little darlin'
The night they were playing
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz
B[G]eautiful T[D7]ennessee W[G]altz

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B7 C D7 G
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