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Take This Waltz  Leonard Cohen

[B] [F#sus4] [F#]  
Now in Vi[B]enna there's ten pretty w[G#m]omen
There's a [B]shoulder where D[D#m/A#]eath comes to cr[G#m]y
There's a [E]lobby with nine hundred w[F#]indows
There's a [E]tree where the d[E]oves [D#m]go t[C#m]o di[B]e[D#7/A#]
There's a p[G#m]iece that was torn from the morning
And it h[C#m]angs in the G[G#7]allery of F[C#m]rost[B/D#]
[E]Ay,[B/D#] Ay, [C#m]Ay, [B]Ay
Take this w[D#7/G]altz, take this w[G#m]altz
Take this w[C#/F]altz with the clamp on its j[E]aws
[F#] [G#m] [F#/A#] [F#]  
Oh I w[B]ant you, I w[D#m/A#]ant you, I wa[G#m]nt you
On a ch[B]air with a dead magaz[G#m]ine
In the c[E]ave at the tip of the l[F#]ily
In some h[E]allways where l[E]ove'[D#m]s ne[C#m]ver b[B]een[D#7/A#]
On a [G#m]bed where the moon has been sweating
In a [C#m]cry filled with f[G#7]ootsteps and s[C#m]and[B/D#]
[E]Ay,[B/D#] Ay, [C#m]Ay, [B]Ay
Take this w[D#7/G]altz, take this w[G#7/F#]altz
Take its br[E6]oken waist in your h[Fm7-5]and
[Edim] [Gdim] [G#m] [D#]  
This w[G#m]altz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz
With its v[C#m]ery own breath of b[G#m]randy and Death
Dr[E6]agging its tail in the s[B]ea[F#sus4] [F#]
There's a c[B]oncert hall in Vi[G#m]enna
Where your [B]mouth had a th[D#m/A#]ousand rev[G#m]iews
There's a b[E]ar where the boys have stopped t[F#]alking
They've been s[E]entenced to dea[E]th [D#m]by t[C#m]he bl[B]ues[D#7/A#]
Ah, but [G#m]who is it climbs to your picture
With a g[C#m]arland of fr[G#7]eshly cut t[C#m]ears?[B/D#]
[E]Ay,[B/D#] Ay, [C#m]Ay, [B]Ay
Take this w[D#7/G]altz, take this w[G#m]altz
Take this w[C#m]altz it's been dying for y[E]ears
[B] [F#]  
There's an a[B]ttic where ch[D#m/A#]ildren are pla[G#m]ying
Where I've g[B]ot to lie down with you s[G#m]oon
In a d[E]ream of Hungarian la[F#]nterns
In the m[E]ist of some sw[E]ee[D#m]t af[C#m]tern[B]oon[D#7/A#]
And I'll [G#m]see what you've chained to your sorrow
All your [C#m]sheep and your l[G#7]ilies of sn[C#m]ow[B/D#]
[E]Ay,[B/D#] Ay, [C#m]Ay, [B]Ay
Take this w[D#7/G]altz, take this w[G#7/F#]altz
With its "I'll n[E6]ever forget you, you kn[Fm7-5]ow!"
[Edim] [Gdim] [G#m] [D#]  
This w[G#m]altz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz
With its v[C#m]ery own breath of b[G#m]randy and Death
Dr[E6]agging its tail in the s[B]ea[F#sus4] [F#]
And I'll d[B]ance with you in Vi[G#m]enna
I'll be we[B]aring a r[D#m/A#]iver's disg[G#m]uise
The hy[E]acinth wild on my sh[F#]oulder
My mo[E]uth on the d[E]ew [D#m]of y[C#m]our th[B]ighs
And I'll b[B]ury my soul in a sc[G#m]rapbook
With the ph[B]otographs there[D#m/A#], and the m[G#m]oss
And I'll y[E]ield to the flood of your b[F#]eauty
My ch[E]eap viol[E]in [D#m]and [C#m]my cr[B]oss[D#7/A#]
And you'll c[G#m]arry me down on your dancing
To the p[C#m]ools that you l[G#7]ift on your wr[C#m]ist
[C#m]Oh m[B/D#]y lov[E]e, [B/D#]Oh my[C#m] lov[B]e
Take this w[D#7/G]altz, take this w[G#m]altz
It's y[C#m]ours now, it's all that there [E]is
[B] [F#]  
L[B]a, la, la [G#m] La, la, la
L[B]a, la, [D#m/A#]la L[G#m]a, la, la
L[E]a, la, la L[F#]a, la, la
L[E]a, [E]la,[D#m] la [C#m] L[B]a, la, la [D#7/A#]
L[G#m]a, la, la La, la, la
L[C#m]a, la, [G#7]la L[C#m]a, la, la [C#m] [B/D#]
[E]Ay,[B/D#] Ay, [C#m]Ay, [B]Ay[D#7/G]
Guitarist friendly version
You'd have to downtune one half step to play along with the record
Gsus4: 320013
Em/B: x22000
E7/B: x20100
C/E: 032010 or xx2010
E7/G#: 420100
D/F#: 200232
G/B: x20003
A7/G: 3x2020
F6: xx3231 or 100211
F#m7-5: 202212 or xx3444
Fdim: xx3434
G#dim: xx6767
[C] [Gsus4] [G]  
Now in Vi[C]enna there's ten pretty w[Am]omen
There's a [C]shoulder where D[Em/B]eath comes to cr[Am]y
There's a [F]lobby with nine hundred w[G]indows
There's a [F]tree where the d[F]oves [Em]go t[Dm]o di[C]e[E7/B]
There's a p[Am]iece that was torn from the morning
And it h[Dm]angs in the G[A7]allery of F[Dm]rost[C/E]
[F]Ay,[C/E] Ay, [Dm]Ay, [C]Ay
Take this w[E7/G#]altz, take this w[Am]altz
Take this w[D/F#]altz with the clamp on its j[F]aws
[G] [Am] [G/B] [G]  
Oh I w[C]ant you, I w[Em/B]ant you, I wa[Am]nt you
On a ch[C]air with a dead magaz[Am]ine
In the c[F]ave at the tip of the l[G]ily
In some h[F]allways where l[F]ove'[Em]s ne[Dm]ver b[C]een[E7/B]
On a [Am]bed where the moon has been sweating
In a [Dm]cry filled with f[A7]ootsteps and s[Dm]and[C/E]
[F]Ay,[C/E] Ay, [Dm]Ay, [C]Ay
Take this w[E7/G#]altz, take this w[A7/G]altz
Take its br[F6]oken waist in your h[F#m7-5]and
[Fdim] [G#dim] [Am] [F]  
This w[Am]altz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz
With its v[Dm]ery own breath of b[Am]randy and Death
Dr[F6]agging its tail in the s[C]ea[Gsus4] [G]
There's a c[C]oncert hall in Vi[Am]enna
Where your [C]mouth had a th[Em/B]ousand rev[Am]iews
There's a b[F]ar where the boys have stopped t[G]alking
They've been s[F]entenced to dea[F]th [Em]by t[Dm]he bl[C]ues[E7/B]
Ah, but [Am]who is it climbs to your picture
With a g[Dm]arland of fr[A7]eshly cut t[Dm]ears?[C/E]
[F]Ay,[C/E] Ay, [Dm]Ay, [C]Ay
Take this w[E7/G#]altz, take this w[Am]altz
Take this w[Dm]altz it's been dying for y[F]ears
[C] [G]  
There's an a[C]ttic where ch[Em/B]ildren are pla[Am]ying
Where I've g[C]ot to lie down with you s[Am]oon
In a d[F]ream of Hungarian la[G]nterns
In the m[F]ist of some sw[F]ee[Em]t af[Dm]tern[C]oon[E7/B]
And I'll [Am]see what you've chained to your sorrow
All your [Dm]sheep and your l[A7]ilies of sn[Dm]ow[C/E]
[F]Ay,[C/E] Ay, [Dm]Ay, [C]Ay
Take this w[E7/G#]altz, take this w[A7/G]altz
With its "I'll n[F6]ever forget you, you kn[F#m7-5]ow!"
[Fdim] [G#dim] [Am] [F]  
This w[Am]altz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz
With its v[Dm]ery own breath of b[Am]randy and Death
Dr[F6]agging its tail in the s[C]ea[Gsus4] [G]
And I'll d[C]ance with you in Vi[Am]enna
I'll be we[C]aring a r[Em/B]iver's disg[Am]uise
The hy[F]acinth wild on my sh[G]oulder
My mo[F]uth on the d[F]ew [Em]of y[Dm]our th[C]ighs
And I'll bury my soul in a sc[Am]rapbook
With the ph[C]otographs there[Em/B], and the m[Am]oss
And I'll y[F]ield to the flood of your b[G]eauty
My ch[F]eap viol[F]in [Em]and [Dm]my cr[C]oss[E7/B]
And you'll c[Am]arry me down on your dancing
To the p[Dm]ools that you l[A7]ift on your wr[Dm]ist
[Dm]Oh m[C/E]y lov[F]e, [C/E]Oh my[Dm] lov[C]e
Take this w[E7/G#]altz, take this w[Am]altz
It's y[Dm]ours now, it's all that there [F]is
[C] [G]  
L[C]a, la, la [Am] La, la, la
L[C]a, la, [Em/B]la L[Am]a, la, la
L[F]a, la, la L[G]a, la, la
L[F]a, la,[Em] la [Dm] L[C]a, la, la [E7/B]
L[Am]a, la, la La, la, la
L[Dm]a, la, [A7]la L[Dm]a, la, la [Dm] [C/E]
[F]Ay,[C/E] Ay, [Dm]Ay, [C]Ay[E7/G#]

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A7 A7/G Am B C C#/F C#m C/E D# D#7/A# D#7/G D#m D#m/A# D/F# Dm E E6 E7/B E7/G# Edim Em Em/B F F# F#/A# F#m7-5 F#sus4 F6 Fdim Fm7-5 G G#7 G#7/F# G#dim G#m G/B Gdim Gsus4
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