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Dallas  Silver Jews

Album: The Natural Bridge
Song: Dallas
Tabbed by: D.C. Berman
(intro: F to G)
I passed out on the fourteenth floor
The CPR was so erotic
A blizzard blew in through the door
And little glowing cumbuckets in her ankles
[C (witb pinky on 1st string, 3rd fret) Am] 
O Dallas you shine with an evil light
O Dallas you shine with an evil light
How'd you turn a billion steers
Into buildings made of mirrors
And why I am drawn to you tonight?
Once you taste the geometry of a church in a cul-de-sac
You're gonna wanna sit with the bad kids in the back
Cruising down Commerce, killing time in the blazing sun
Is it true your analyst was a place-kicker for the Falcons
(repeat "intro")
We saw B.B. King on General Hospital
In the Oak Cliff dramhouse where we stayed
And when Clancy whipped her with his belt buckle
We cleaned her cuts and then we prayed
O Dallas you shine with an evil light
Don't you know that God stays up all night?
How'd you turn a billion steers
Into buildings made of mirrors
And why am I drawn to you tonight?
Watching the make-up girls make out with the mannequins
Hey boys, supper's on me, our record just went aluminum
Poor as mouse every morning, rich as a cat every night
Some kind of strange magic happens when a city turns on her lights
*sounds like the record if you hammer on 3rd & 4th strings

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D-A Em-F
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