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My Love  Westlife

Westlife, My Love 2.
Tabbed by YiHao,
Westlife, My Love.
Tabbed by YiHao,
--With the help of my friend, I hope there are finally no more mistakes!
[Dm] [Am/C] [G] [G]  

[F] [C]  

(Verse 1)
An e[C]mpty street
An e[G]mpty house
A h[Em]ole inside my h[Am]eart
I'm a[F]ll alone
The r[F]ooms are getting sm[G]aller
I w[C]onder how
I w[G]onder why
I w[Em]onder where they a[Am]re
The d[F]ays we had
The s[F]ongs we s[F#7]ang tog[G]ether (oh yeah)
And o[F]h my lo[G]ve
I'm h[C]olding on f[Am]orever
R[F]eaching for a l[Dm]ove that seems so f[G]ar.
So I s[F]ay a little p[C]rayer
And hope my d[F]reams will take me t[C]here
Where the s[F]kies are blue
To s[C]ee you o[Am]nce ag[D]ain my l[G]ove
Overs[F]eas from coast to c[C]oast
To find the p[F]lace I love the m[C]ost
Where the f[F]ields are green
To s[C]ee you o[Am]nce ag[D]ain[G]
My l[C]ove
(Verse 2)
I t[C]ry to read
I g[G]o to work
I'm l[Em]aughing with my f[Am]riends
But [F]I can't stop to k[F]eep myself from t[G]hinking (oh no)
I w[C]onder how
I w[G]onder why
I w[Em]onder where they a[Am]re
The d[F]ays we had
The s[F]ongs we s[F#7]ang tog[G]ether (oh yeah)
And o[F]h my l[G]ove
I'm h[C]olding on f[Am]orever
R[F]eaching for a l[Dm]ove that seems so f[G]ar.
So I s[F]ay a little p[C]rayer
And hope my d[F]reams will take me t[C]here
Where the s[F]kies are blue
To s[C]ee you o[Am]nce ag[D]ain my l[G]ove
Overs[F]eas from coast to c[C]oast
To find the p[F]lace I love the m[C]ost
Where the f[F]ields are green
To s[C]ee you o[Am]nce ag[D]ain
(Bridge 1)
To h[E]old you in my a[Am]rms
To p[D]romise you my l[G]ove
To t[E]ell you from the h[Am]eart
You're a[D]ll I'm thinking o[G]f
[C] [G] [Em] [Am]  

(Bridge 2)
I'm r[F]eaching for a l[Dm]ove that seems so f[G]ar.
So I s[G]ay a little p[D]rayer
And hope my d[G]reams will take me t[D]here
Where the s[G]kies are blue
To s[D]ee you o[Bm]nce ag[E]ain my l[A]ove
Overs[G]eas from coast to c[D]oast
To find the p[G]lace I love the m[D]ost
Where the f[G]ields are green
To s[D]ee you o[Bm]nce ag[E]ain[A]
My love
[G]Say a little p[D]rayer (it must be love)
My d[G]reams will take me t[D]here
Where the s[G]kies are blue (woah yeah)
To s[D]ee you o[Bm]nce ag[E]ain [A] (oh my love)
Overs[G]eas from coast to c[D]oast
To find the p[G]lace I love the m[D]ost
Where the f[G]ields are green
To s[D]ee you o[Bm]nce ag[E]ain[A]
My l[D]ove
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A Am Am/C Bm C D Dm E Em F F#7 G
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