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You Know What I Mean.  The Turtles

"You Know What I Mean"
(Gary Bonner - Alan Gordon)
[E]v v [F#7] v v [E]v v v v

Verse 1:
S[E]houldn't we two [F#7]be together
Y[E]ou know what I m[F#7]ean
To [A]be with you is s[D]omething like a dr[G]eam (you know what I m[E]ean)
And if you w[A]ant me [D]to
I'll bring s[A]unshine [D]to you o[G]nly
Verse 2:
E (N.C.) F#7
You better stop, take a look about
You k[E]now what I m[F#7]ean
If o[A]nly you could s[D]ee the dreams that s[G]eem to mean so m[E]uch to me
Then you'd k[A]now the reason w[D]hy
I would l[A]ove to "I [E]do" than say
Goodb[D]ye and l[A]et you [D]go fore[A]ver
W[B/F#]ouldn't we two be together
C[E]an't you [F#]see that [E]I want y[F#]ou
For [A]me forever
W[C#]ouldn't we two be tog[F#]ether
Verse 3:
[B]Do you know what I m[C#]ean, can't you read [B]in between the l[C#]ines
Sometimes I'm t[E]alking and it d[A]oesn't seem too cl[D]ear[B]
But if you h[E]ave to k[A]now
I'm in l[E]ove if only y[B]ou know what I me[E]an[/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [F#] [/]
Coda (repeat to fade):
E F# (vocals enter 3rd time; bass plays B-C# starting 6th time)
[/] [/] [/] [/]  
-- another ace 60's tab from Andrew Rogers

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A B B/F# C# D E F# F#7 G
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