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Midnight Voyage  The Mamas & the Papas

[Gb]On a m[Bbm]idnight voy[Ebm]age,
[Gb]One that has [Bbm]no end[Ebm]ing;
[B]And it's sen[Ebm]ding me
Bbm B [cb]Ebm/Bb[/cb] Abm B/Db
The things that I need.
[Gb]Far aw[Bbm]ay from s[Ebm]hore--
[Gb]Further than I've be[Bbm]en bef[Ebm]ore;
[B]But I fe[Ebm]el the stre[Bbm]ngth of the new sea. [B]
[cb]Ebm/Bb[/cb] Abm Db
(Of a midnight voyage for just what you need...)
Dreams co[Abm]me and go,
And I si[B]ft through th[E]em. [Db]
Love (love) star[Bbm]ts to grow
[Gb]From the thoughts that I fin[B]d within them.
[Gb]On a m[Bbm]idnight v[Ebm]oyage,
[Gb]Searching for my [Bbm]plea[Ebm]sure;
[B]Reaching wit[Ebm]h my mind for someth[Bbm]ing I've dreamed. [B]
[cb]Ebm/Bb[/cb] Abm Db
(Reaching with your mind for something you've dreamed)
Loves come [Abm]and go
And I dr[B]eam through them; [E] [Db]
Dreams (dreams) star[Bbm]t to flow
[Gb]From the love that I find [B]within them.
[Gb]On a m[Bbm]idnight vo[Ebm]yage,
[Gb]One that has[Bbm] no end[Ebm]ing;
[B]And it's [Ebm]sending me[Bbm]
B [cb]Ebm/Bb[/cb] Abm
Right into my mind.
"Uh, turn back to the earphones.
Could you turn off the earphones, please?"
"Turn the television set down, please."
"And turn the air conditioning off."
"And walk around the block twice."
"Your late coming in."
"I was...right with you."
"Sorry, my mistake."
"Two, three, four..."
"Five..alright? One, two, three..."
On a midnight voyage...
"You�?�e got it."
"You like that Lou?"
[Gb]Come on, let's take a midn[Bbm]ight voyag[Emb]e;
[Gb]Let me take you on a litt[Bbm]le t[Ebm]rip.
[Gb]Come on, co[Bbm]me on,[Ebm]
[Gb]Woah, co[Bbm]me on[Ebm]...
[Gb]Would you dare to take a li[Bbm]ttle[Ebm] journey?
[Gb]All aboard; a[Bbm]ll a[Ebm]shore.
At your leisure take a pleasure trip.
I'm sure; you're sure.
Everybody needs a pleasure trip,
My friend, my friend...

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Abm B Bbm Db E Ebm Emb Gb
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