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Mary Marry Me  The BossHoss

[Am] [/] [G] [/] [D] [/] [C]  
[Am] [/] [G] [/] [F]  
[Am]Oh [/]Ma[G]ry[/],d[D]o [/]yo[C]u still remember me?
[Am]Mar[/]y,[G]yo[/]u [F]know I'm in this band...
[Am]Oh [/]Ma[G]ry[/],I[D] s[/]ti[C]ll remember you!
[Am]You[/] k[G]no[/]w [F]after the show we were holding hands...
[F#]Aft[/]er[D] seven long days - finally -
[F#]I f[/]ou[D]nd you number in my guitar case.
[F#]Now[/] I[D] hope it's not too late -
[F#]cau[/]se[D] I want more than a date
[Am]Oh,[/] M[G]ar[/]y.[D] M[/]ar[C]y marry me!
[Am]Mar[/]y [G]'c[/]au[F]se I'm so in love with you
[Am]Oh,[/] M[G]ar[/]y.[C] I[/]'l[D]l never get enough
[Am]It'[/]s [G]go[/]nn[D]a be a hunk-o-burning love yeah,
A burning love!
( Tab from: )
[Am]Oh,[/] M[G]ar[/]y,[D] o[/]h [C]you're so neat.
[Am]I c[/]an[G] f[/]ee[F]l my temperature rise!
[Am]An [/]an[G]ge[/]l [D]fr[/]om[C] your head down to your feet
[Am]The[/] d[G]ee[/]p [F]blue sea in your eyes.
[F#]Wel[/]l,[D] I'm not tellin' any lies!
[F#]So [/]ho[D]w come you allready put the phone down twice?!
[F#]I'l[/]l [D]keep on calling 'till late,
[F#]Oh [/]Ma[D]ry, oh Mary don't you be afraid, I said
[Am]Mar[/]y.[G] M[/]ar[D]y [/]ma[C]rry me!
[Am]Mar[/]y [G]'c[/]au[F]se I'm so in love with you
[Am]Oh,[/] M[G]ar[/]y.[C] I[/]'l[D]l never get enough
[Am]It'[/]s [G]go[/]nn[D]a be a hunk-o-burning love yeah,
A burning love!
[Am]Oh [/]Ma[G]ry[/], [D]no[/]w [C]do you remember me?
[Am]You[/] k[G]no[/]w [F]I'm this guy from this band...
[Am]So [/]Ma[G]ry[/], [D]Ma[/]ry[C]...marry me!
[Am]You[/] k[G]no[/]w [F]after the show we were holding hands...
[F#]Wel[/]l [D]I'm not telling any lies!
[F#]Com[/]e [D]on! How come you allready put the phone down four times now?!
[F#]I h[/]op[D]e it's not too late.
[F#]'Ca[/]us[D]e I just was saying I want more than a date.
Oh, Mary. Mary marry me!
Mary 'cause I'm so in love with you
Oh, Mary. I'll never get enough
It's gonna be a hunk-o-burning love yeah,
A burning love!
Call me...!

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