Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Chop Suey!  System of a Down

This is only a part of the song bust it's very useful for piano player that want to play the song.
INTRO: Gmin Dmin Cmin Eb
[Gmin]Wake up
[Gmin]Grab a brush and put a little [F#](makeup)
[F#]Hide the scars to fade away the[Gmin] (shakeup)
[Gmin]Why'd you leave the keys upon the t[F#]able?
same chords
Here you go create another fable
You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to
( Tab from: )

Here starts the piano part.In the song the song is composed by
Father into your hands, I commend my spirit
Father into your hands
[Gmin]Why h[Eb]ave[Bb] you forsak[Cmin]en me[Dmin]
[Gmin]In yo[Eb]ur [Bb]eyes forsak[Cmin]en me[Dmin]
[Gmin]In yo[Eb]ur [Bb]thoughts fo[Cmin]rsake[Dmin]n me
[Gmin]In yo[Eb]ur [Bb]heart forsa[Cmin]ken, [Dmin]me oh
[Gmin]Trust[Eb] in[Bb] my self ri[Cmin]ghteo[Dmin]us suicide
[Gmin]I, cr[Eb]y, [Bb]when angels[Cmin] dese[Dmin]rve to die
[Gmin]In my[Eb] se[Bb]lf righteou[Cmin]s sui[Dmin]cide
[Gmin]I, cr[Eb]y, [Bb]when angels[Cmin] dese[Dmin]rve to die

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Bb Cmin Dmin Eb F# Gmin
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