Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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What Comes After  Stories

To play along with the recording capo up 4. This song was the original closer for
the "About Us" lp until "Brother Louie" was added after it became a hit.
( Tab from: )
W[D]hat comes af[A]ter the lau[C]ghter
I op[G]ened my eyes
Gr[D]eat dis[A]aster came af[C]ter
I st[G]arted to cry
I l[D]ie I tr[C]ied to pl[G]ay[A]
What comes after what matters
has gone far away
Peace comes after disaster
we all fade away
I lie I try to pray
What comes after and after
I opened my eyes
strange disaster came faster
I started to cry
and now I'm find I'm blind
posting the very best in power pop!!
Jimmy Curtis

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