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Local Boy in the Photograph  Stereophonics

From Thu May 8 14:14:52 1997
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 17:52:57 -0100
From: Ulla Svensk
Subject: Tab: Local boy in the photograph By Stereophonics
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Song: Local boy in the Photograph
Band: Stereophonics
Single: Local boy in the photograph (V2 Records, 1997)
Tabbed by: Fredrik Svensk (
Intro: G, Em, C, D, Em, G played together with -->
riff: e| 10,
B| 7 8
[G] There?s no mis[Em]take I smell that[C] smell It?s that
( Tab from: )
time of year again
[G] I can[Em] taste the[C] air
[G] Clocks go[Em] back, railway[C] track
Something blocks the line[G] again
Em C G, Em, C
And the trains runs late for the first time
[G] Pebble[Em] beach, we?re undern[C]eath a Pier
just been painted[G] red
Where I[Em] heard the[C] news for the first time
(no chord)
And all the friends lay down the flowers
Sit on the bank and talk for hours,
talk of the way they saw him last
Local boy in the pho[G]tograa[Em]aaaph - [C] Today
+riff G Em C
He?ll always be 23 yet the trains run on and on
[G] past the[Em] place they[C] found his clothing.
D, Em, G X5 then up to the beginning.

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C Em G
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