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Everlasting  Sovereign Grace Music

Oh G[E]od, our Red[B]eemer, our Sa[A]vior, our Fr[B7]iend
Cre[E]ator of the u[B]niverse
Your go[A]odness knows no [Bsus]end[B]
And our [E/G#]voices join with the [A]thousands who
Know [F#m7]mercy because of the c[Bsus]ross[B]
All [E/G#]sinners washed in Your [F#m7]precious blood
For[A]ever we will [Bsus]sing[B]
( Tab from: )
From e[E]verlasting to e[F#m7]verlasting
Pr[A]aise be to [Bsus]You[B]
From e[E]verlasting to e[F#m7]verlasting
Pr[A]aise be to [Bsus]You[B]
Oh [E]God[A] [C#m] [B]
Oh G[E]od, our Del[B]iverer and Lo[A]rd of all gr[B7]ace
How c[E]an I stand in si[B]lence
When the he[A]avens sing Your p[Bsus]raise[B]

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A B B7 Bsus C#m E E/G# F#m7
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