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Trains Across the Sea  Silver Jews

[C] [F]  
[C] [F]  
No tr[F]oubles
On the l[C]ine
And [F]I can't stand to see you
[F]I can't stand to see you
when you're cryi[C]ng at home
[C]Scotch and penicillin
Ple[F]ase try carlton
A c[C]old, black maple hanger
And hu[F]sbands on the run
I j[C]ust got back from a drea[F]m attack
That to[C]ok me by surpr[F]ise
[C]And in there I met a lady
Her n[F]ame was Shady Sides
[F]And she said:
[F] [F]  
[C]It's been evening all day long
[C]It's been evening all day long and
[F]How can something so old be so wrong
[C]Sin and gravity
[C]Drag me down to sleep
To dream of tr[F]ains across the sea
[F]Trains across the sea
[C] [C]  
[C]Half hours on earth
[F]What are they worth
I don't [C]know
[C]In twenty-seven years
I drunk f[F]ifty thousand beers
And th[C]ey just wash against me
Like the s[F]ea into a pier
[F]Mmh hmm hmm

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