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Eye Candy  Ron Sexsmith


Intro G C | G C | G D | C D G
[D]Sipping on a [C]black Dakota [G]pint
[D]The joint is jumping [C]on a Sunday [G]night
But then [Bm]something wicked this way [Em]comes
Am7 D D+5(aug)
Sticking out like two sore thumbs
[G]Eye candy
[C]Ear poison
[G]Oh Mother, k[C]eep your boys in
[G]?Cause uptown came d[D]owntown
An[C]d now they keep [D]hanging ar[G]ound
[D]They didn't wanna [C]listen to no [G]band
[D]Why don't they grab a [C]cab back to club[G]land
Now they're [Bm]coming on to every [Em]guy
Am7 D D+5(aug)
Like two drunken socialites
[G]Eye candy
[C]Ear poison
[G]Oh Mother, k[C]eep your boys in
[G]?Cause uptown came [D]downtown
An[C]d now they keep [D]hanging around
[G]It's uncanny
[C]What the wind blows [G]in
Oh Brother, you'd [C]think what goes in
[G]Must come out b[D]ut somehow
It's been [C]dumbed down and now they're [D]hanging ar[G]ound
You should [Am]see the way they dance
Rubbing up against everybody's [D]leg
And [Am]like a bad masseuse
Everything they do
Rubs me the [D]wrong way
G C | G C |
Well now [Bm]something wicked this way [Em]comes
Am7 D D+5(aug)
Sticking out like two sore thumbs
[G]Eye Candy
[C]Ear poison
[G]Oh Mother, [C]keep your boys in
[G]Cause high brow came l[D]ow brow
And our[C] eyebrows may n[D]ever come down
[G]It can't be
[C]Screen?s frozen
[G]Oh Brother, [C]keep your nose clean
[G]Cause upload came d[D]ownload
With a [C]truck load of trouble ?b[D]out to ex[G]plode
[G]Eye Candy
[C]Ear poison
[G]Oh Mother, [C]keep your boys in
[G]Cause uptown came d[D]owntown
And [C]now they keep h[D]anging ar[G]ound
Tabbed by Zach Parkman

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Am Bm C D Em G
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