Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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214  Rivermaya

Band: Rivermaya
Song: 214
Chords By: sTaT|C`
For Comments and suggestion just e-mail me at
 INTRO: G-Em-Bm-C-G-Em-D-C-D

Am I r[E]eal?
do the w[Bm]ords i speak before
you make you f[E]eel?
that the l[Bm]ove
I lay for you will see no en[A]ding?
well, if you l[Am]ook into my eyes,
then you should k[E]now
that there is not[Bm7]hing here to doubt
nothing to fe[E]ar
and you can l[Bm7]ay your questions down
'cause if you'll h[A]old me
we can fade[Am7] into the night and you'll know
( Tab from: )
[G]Th[D]e world[Em] could d[Bm]ie
and ev[C]erything[D] may [G]lie
[D]still y[Em]ou should'nt[D] cry[C] [D]
`[G]caus[D]e ti[Em]me will pa[Bm]ss
but no lo[C]nger than it'll la[G]st
I'll[D] be [Em]by your [D]side
E-C-D (2x) E-
(Do 1st stanza chords)
take my hand, and gently close your eyes
so you could understand
that there's no greater love tonight
that what I've for you
well, if you feel the same way for me then let go
we can journey to a garden no one knows
life is short my darling tell me that you love me
so we can fade into the night and you'll know
(Repeat Chorus)
INSTRUMENTAL: (Do Chorus chords)
(Do Chorus Chords)
the world could die and everything may lie
but you wont cry 'cause time may pass
and everything wont last but i'll be by your side
so you wont cry

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A Am Am7 Bm Bm7 C D E Em G
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