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California King Bed  Rihanna

California Kingbed Artist:Rihanna
Intro: G5 [1] [+] [2] [3]C9[+] [4] G5 C9 G5 C9
 -2------3---------|-2--------3--------- |-2---------3----------|

[G5] [G5/F#]  

Verse 1:
[1] [2] [+] [3] [4]  
[G5]Chest to [C9]chest
[G5]Nose to n[C9]ose
[G5]Palm to p[C9]alm
[Dsus2]We were always just that close
[G5]Wrist wri[C9]st
[G5]Toe to to[C9]e
[G5]Lips that f[C9]elt just like the i[Dsus2]nside of a rose
[Em]So how come when I[C] reach out m[Em]y finge[C]rs
[Em]It feels m[C]ore than distance[G] betwee[D]n us
In this [G]California [D]king bed
We're ten [Em]thousand miles [C]apart
I bet [G]California [D]wishing on these [Em]stars of the heart for [C]me
My California king
Verse 2:
[G5]Eye to ey[C9]e
[G5]Cheek to [C9]cheek
[G5]Side by s[C9]ide
[G5]You were [C9]sleeping n[Dsus2]ext to me
[G5]Arm to ar[C9]m
[G5]Dusk to d[C9]awn
[G5]With the curtains[C9] drawn And a littl[D]e last nite on these sheets
[Em]So how come when I[C] reach out m[Em]y finge[C]rs
[Em]It feels m[C]ore than distance[G] betwee[D]n us
In this [G]California [D]king bed
We're ten [Em]thousand miles [C]apart
I bet [G]California [D]wishing on these [Em]stars of the heart for [C]me
: G | D | Em| C | 2X
My California king
Verse 3:
[G]Just when I felt like giving up on us
[D/F#]You turned around and gave me one last touch
That [Em]made e[C]verything feel better
And [Em]even the[D/F#]n my eyes got better
[C]So confused wanna ask you if you love me
But I Don't Want to seem so weak
[G5]Maybe [C9]I've been C[G5]alifor[C9]nia dreaming
Chorus 2x:
In this [G]California [D]king bed
We're ten [Em]thousand miles [C]apart
I bet [G]California [D]wishing on these [Em]stars of the heart for [C]me
G | D | Em| C |
My California king
G | D | Em| C |
My California king
In this [G]California [D]king bed
We're ten [Em]thousand miles [C]apart
I bet [G]California [D]wishing on these [Em]stars of the heart for [C]me
My California king

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C C9 D D/F# Dsus2 Em G G5 G5/F#
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