Sleep Sweet Countrymen Reverend Glasseye
�Sleep Sweet Countrymen�
By Reverend Glasseye
from the album �Our Lady of the Broken Spine�
tabbed by Eric Bonkowski
- great great song. lyrics transcribed by ear,
so some my be a bit off. Sorry. Enjoy!
I p[C]ledge allegiance to our country[G]men
our country it is safe a[Am]gain
as we safely go to bed at night
in our [C]warm n[G]ests
I sing my song
I [Am]have been this place before
as I s[Dm]poke on to the ch[Am]ildren
my h[Dm]ands they seem to t[Am]remble
the c[C]loser [G]I g[Am]et
I[Am]'m a very stupid man
and I'll le[Dm]ad them to the sla[Am]ughter
s[Dm]ave the son and da[Am]ughter of our f[C]ailing [G]every-[Am]man
our l[Am]ove is a love that gives
but the p[Dm]rice it is un[Am]certain
and the w[Dm]ay it is so d[Am]angerous
to t[C]hose of li[G]ttle b[Am]read
an[Am]d I wash my hands clean
in the w[Dm]aters of o[Am]ptimism
con[Dm]taminating pe[Am]arls with ea[C]gles s[G]acri[Am]fice my friends
e[C]agles sa[G]cri[Am]fice
e[C]agles sa[G]cri[Am]fice my fiends
e[C]agles sa[G]cri[Am]fice
s[Dm]leep sweet countrymen
t[Am]ill we need you again
we [C]will raise our arms
a[G]gainst the face of horror
a[Dm]nd I will fight and feed
o[Am]h in the name of need
g[C]et on your battered knees
a[G]nd please don't make a so[Am]und
t[Am]he soldiers are asleep
in the h[Dm]oly land of que[Am]stions
the [Dm]most important le[Am]sson:
they [C]get [G]out a[Am]live
a[Am]nd I call out to the parson
he wa[Dm]ves his hands ag[Am]ainst me
my c[Dm]ountrymen like Ch[Am]ristians
with the l[C]i-[G]ons [Am]around
( Tab from: )
a[Am]nd I call out to the general
and his m[Dm]ost vital po[Am]sition
as the k[Dm]ing of i[Am]solation
in this l[C]and [G]of su[Am]icides
[Am]and I call out to the maidens
who w[Dm]ear the pelts of ja[Am]ckals
and l[Dm]ittle less but s[Am]hackles
fill our l[C]ust-filled a[G]ppe[Am]tites, my friends
our [C]lust-filled app[G]eti[Am]tes
our [C]lust-filled ap[G]pet[Am]ites, my friends
our [C]lust-filled ap[G]pet[Am]ites
t[Dm]his sweet countrymen
i[Am]s where our paths will end
y[C]our duties pair adjust
m[G]y duties what I must
o[Dm]nly I think of you
i[Am]n what I have to do
I[C]'ll burn the chapel house
a[G]nd make attempts of truce
a[Dm]nd I don't live a gifted life
I[Am]'ll hoist your flag and make it mine
a[C]gainst the wall that's closing tight
I[G]'ll send your wounded down the line
o[Dm]h I will count the ways
o[Am]h each and every day
[C]9 8 7 6 [G]5 4 3 2 [Am]1
so p[C]lease
rise for the very honored j[G]udge
the jury has you to ap[Am]peal
we'll make this gallow pole your [Am]home
we'll make our motives very c[C]lear
(other lyrics for round, over previous verse)
I will fall into the depths of hell
before I sail this ship a port
forget about the house of god
and go away this house of fear
as the saints go marching in I know
I want more gin to think and
if I die before I wake I
bet you are my sin to take
[Dm] [Am]
[C]sleep sweet count[G]rymen
oh my co[Dm]untry-m[Am]en
[C]sleep sweet count[G]rymen
oh my co[Dm]untry-m[Am]en
[C]sleep sweet count[G]rymen
oh my co[Dm]untry-m[Am]en
[C]sleep sweet country
[G]sleep sweet country-[Am]men
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