My Lighthouse Rend Collective
This was done in the key of C at Soul Survivor, so capo 5 with these chords.
Verse 1:
[G]In my wrestling and i[C]n my [G]doubts
[C]In my f[G]ailures You w[D]on't walk out
[G]Your great love will [C]lead me [G]through
[C]You are my [G]peace in my tr[D]oubled se[G]a
[C]You are my p[G]eace in my tr[D]oubled se[G]a
Verse 2:
In the silence, You won't let go
In my questions, Your truth will hold
Your great love will lead me through
You are my peace in my troubled sea
You are my peace in my troubled sea
[C]My Lighth[G]ouse, M[Em]y lighth[D]ouse
[C]Shining in the d[G]arkness, I[Em] will follow Y[D]ou, whoa
[C]My Lighth[G]ouse, My[Em] Lightho[D]use
[C]I will trust the p[G]romise, Y[Em]ou will carry m[D]e safe to shore[C] (Oh-ohh-[G]ohh-oh-[D]oh)
Safe to Shor[C]e (Oh-ohh-[G]ohh-oh[D]-oh)
Safe to Shor[C]e (Oh-ohh-[G]ohh-oh[D]-oh)
Safe to Shor[G]e
Verse 3:
I won't fear what tomorrow brings
With each morning I'll rise and sing
My God's love will lead me through
You are the peace in my troubled sea
You are the peace in my troubled sea
[C]Fire before us, Y[Em]ou're the [D2]brightest
[C]You will [G]lead us [Em]safe to [D2]shore
By Maurice Yap
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