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Samson  Regina Spektor

J.Darragh - 2006.
[B] You are[C#m] my swe[B/D#]etest down[Esus2]-fall
E F#sus2 G#m f# E
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the sh[B]eets of pa[C#m]per lies[B/D#] my truth[E]
f# G#m f# E
I have to go, I have to go
Your hair was lon[Esus2/B]g, when we first met[E/B]
f# G#m B
Sam - son went back to bed
[B]Not much hair left [E]on his head
f# G#m B B f#
He ate a slice of wonder bread and went right back to bed
f# G#m B B E
And history books for-got about us and the bible didn't mention us
And the bi[B]-ble d[A/F#]idn't men[G#m]tion us, not even o[E]nce
[B]You are [C#m]my sweet[B/D#]est downfa[Esus2]ll
E F#sus2 G#m f# E
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the st[B]ars came f[C#m]allin' o[B/D#]n our heads[E]
E f# G#m f# E
But they're just old light, they're just old light
Your hair was lon[Esus2/B]g when we first met[E/B]
f# G#m B
Sam - son came to my bed
[B]Told me that my ha[E]ir was red
f# G#m B B f#
Told me I was beautiful and came into my bed
f# G#m B
Oh I cut his hair my - self one night
A p[B]air of dull scissors in the ye[E]llow light
And he t[E]old me that I'd d[B]one alright
B f#/A# G#m E
and kissed me 'til the mornin' light, the mornin' light
B f#/A# G#m
and he kissed me 'til the mornin' light
B f#/A# G#m
f# G#m B
Sam - son went back to bed
[B]not much hair left [E]on his head
f# G#m B B f#
Ate a slice of wonderbread and went right back to bed
f# G#m B
Oh, we couldn't bring the columns down
Yeah we couldn't de[B]stroy a si[E]ngle one
And hi[E]story books forgot about [B]us
B f#/A# G#m E
And the bible didn't mention us, not even once....
[B] You ar[C#m]e my swe[B/D#]etest dow[Esus2]nfall[E]
F#sus2 f# G#m
I loved you first

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A/F# B C#m E E/B Esus2 Esus2/B G#m
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