Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
Update 25:10. 13:00. Site is back up running again. Songbooks are recovered. Woring on getting search back up..

Welcome Home  Radical Face

Chord shapes not hundred percent right, but close as could get,
at points if listen to the song, the Bmaj when strummed will have
pinky finger on 3rd strign 2nd fret, also as most of chords or finger
picked, only few of strings in a chord are used.
Hope you enjoy :)
Tuning= Half Step Down
> = hop
[F#5] [D#m] [D#sus2]  
[F#5]Sleep don'[D#m]t vi[D#sus2]sit, so I [Bmaj]choke on [F#maj]sun
Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
And the days blur into one
Bmaj F#maj Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
And the backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done
[F#5]Sheets ar[D#m]e swa[D#sus2]ying from an [Bmaj]old clothesl[F#maj]ine
Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4 Bmaj F#maj
Like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass
Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
Was never much but we made the most
Welcome [D#m]home[Bmaj] [F#maj]
[D#m] [Bmaj] [F#maj]  
( Tab from: )
[F#5]Ships [D#m]are [D#sus2]launchin[Bmaj]g from m[F#maj]y chest
Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
Some have names but most do not
Bmaj F#maj Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
If you find one, please let me know what piece I've lost
[F#5]Heal t[D#m]he s[D#sus2]cars fro[Bmaj]m off my[F#maj] back
Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
I don't need them any more
Bmaj F#maj Bmaj F#maj D#7sus4 > G#sus4
You can throw them out or keep them in your mason jars
I've come [D#m]home[Bmaj] [F#maj]
[D#m] [Bmaj] [F#maj]  
All my [Bmaj]nightmares es[F#maj]caped my hea[C#add9]d
Bar the [Bmaj]door, please [F#maj]don't let th[C#add9]em in
You were [Bmaj]never su[F#maj]pposed to le[C#add9]ave
Now my [Bmaj]head's[F#maj] splitting at [C#add9]the seams
And [D#m]I don'[D#m(add9)]t know i[C#add9]f I can[G#7sus4]
Bmaj x 4, C#add9 x 3, F#maj x 1
[Bmaj]Here, beneath my [C#add9]lungs, I[F#maj] feel your[Bmaj] thumbs press into my sk[C#add9]in again[F#maj]
Bmaj x 4, C#add9 x 3,
[F#maj] [F#maj] [F#maj] [F#maj] [F#maj]  

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Bmaj C#add9 D#m D#m(add9) D#sus2 F#5 F#maj G#7sus4
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