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Easy Ride  Madonna

Easy Ride (Madonna: American Life)
[Am]I want the [E]good life � But I [Am]don't want an easy [E]ride
[G]What I want is to [F]work for it
[G]Feel the blood and sweat on my [F]fingertips
That's [E]what I want for [Am]me
[Am]I want to know [E]everything � Maybe [Am]someday I [E]will
[G]What I want is to [F]find my place
[G]Breathe the air and feel the sun on my [F]children's face
That's [E]what I want
I go [Am]round and [G]round just [Am]like a [G]circle
[Am]I can [G]see a [F]clearer picture
When I [Am]touch the [G]ground I [Am]come full [G]circle
[Am]To my [G]place and I am [F]home
I am [Am]home
( Tab from: )
[Am]I want to let [E]go of all disap[Am]pointment that's waiting for [E]me
[G]What I want is to [F]live forever
[G]Not defined by time and space, it's a [F]lonely place
That's [E]what I want
I go [Am]round and [G]round just [Am]like a [G]circle
[Am]I can [G]see a [F]clearer picture
When I [Am]touch the [G]ground I [Am]come full [G]circle
[Am]To my [G]place and I am [F]home
I am [Am]home
I go [Am]round and [G]round just [Am]like a [G]circle
[Am]I can [G]see a [F]clearer picture
When I [Am]touch the [G]ground I [Am]come full [G]circle
[Am]To my [G]place and I am [F]home
I am [Am]home
stefano j attardi (

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