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Make the First Move  Kakkmaddafakka

Song: Make the first move
Artist: Kakkmaddafakka
no capo
standard tuning
Am Am Am Em (x2)
[Am]Lately I've been out, hung up on this one gi[Em]rl
[Am]You know the type, out every busy nigh[Em]t
[Am]I like her f[C]lavor but this one [F]thing got me gri[Bb]nded:
[Am]She neve[G]r talk[F#]s to me[F] before I'[E]m talking to h[Am]er
Every time is the same situation
She wants me to be a proper gentleman
Holding doors, buying drinks, be polite to her friends
just so that I can have my weekend romance
[G]Oh has no-on[C]e told you uoo[G]h
why she's so [C]cold to you uoo[A]ooh
[D]She's never had a man so you [B]gotta make her feel your inten[E]tions are real
[Am]You gotta move, [G]gotta make the first mov[F]e
[E]Don't wait for them! Don't wait for them!
[Am]You gotta move, gott[G]a make the first mov[F]e
[E]Don't wait for them! Don't wait for them!
Am Am Am Em (x2)
I know this guy he is probably 35 now
Dark an tall, you'd think he has it all
On good behavior and he never brakes a promise
but in his double bed he?s always sleeping alone
Last year there was a girl around
She asked him to walk her home from town
He said politely no, he did not understand
that all she ever wanted was the touch of his hand
Oh, why is he so alone, uooh
He's never with someone. Could it be
that no-one told him: If you hold a woman dear, boy you better make it clear
[Am]You gotta move, got[G]ta make the first mo[F]ve
[E]Don't wait for them! Don't wait for them!
[Am]You gotta move[C], gotta m[F]ake the first [G#]move
[Am]Be a pr[G]oper [F#]gentlem[F]an and mak[E]e the first m[Am]ove
[Am] [Am] [Am] [Em]  

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A Am B Bb C D E Em F F# G G#
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