Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Sprout and the Bean   Joanna Newsom




 A variation on rhythm that's thrown around a lot:






 this next part is a good transition back to the beginning of the verse lick:


 ie: and I..







 the basics of the pre chorus and chorus: .


 here's where i get sorta nuts...the interlude into the next chorus


 x[x] indicate left hand fret, [rigbt band barmonics]


 ie: 4[16] is fretted at the 4th, and plucked at the 16th with the right. open right hand

 have no beginning number.


 Basically just play the chord and then the harmonic part.


 If i were to call these 6 different measures you would play them in this order: measure

 measure 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6


 Should we go out side...

 Emajor7 C# major7





 You can ask the counselor...

 E major C#major











 this part is very difficult. left hand bar the 5th with pinky, right hand index on 17, m

 a are plucking.


 notice the second half change to left hand harmonics.






 play the verse, prechorus, and chorus all over and then end with:






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