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Baby Birch  Joanna Newsom

this[C] is the song for [F]Baby Birch
though [Am]i will never[F] know you[C]
and [C]at the back of w[F]hat we've done
there [Am]is the knowledge [F]of you[C]
well, i w[C]ish we could take e[F]very path
could spend a [Am]hundred years [F]adoring you[C]
yes, i[C] wish we could take eve[F]ry path
because i [Am]hated to close the [F]door on you[C]
do you [C]remember staring [F]up at the stars
so f[Am]ar away in their [F]bulletproof c[C]ars?
when we [C]heard the rushing, [F]slow intake
of the d[Am]ark, dark water in the [F]engine [C]brakes?
and i said[C] to you, "well, how about them e[F]ngine brakes?"
and if[Am] i should die b[F]efore i[C] wake,
Will you [C]keep an eye on [F]Baby Birch?
because i'd [Am]hate to see her make the same [F]mistake[C]
when it was [Asus4]dark, i called and you[C] came
when it was [Asus4]dark, i saw [C]shapes
when I see sta[Asus4]rs, i feel in your [C]hand
and I see [Asus4]stars, and I reel [C]again.
Well [C]mercy me. I'll b[F]e goddamned.
It's been a l[Am]ong, long time
[F]since I last [C]saw you.
And I[C] have never k[F]nown the plan.
It's been a [Am]long, long time.
[F]How are [C]you?
Your [C]eyes are green. Your [F]hair is gold.
Your [Am]hair is black. Y[F]our eyes are [C]blue.
I c[C]losed the ranks, and I [F]doubled back?
but, you know, I h[Am]ated to close
t[F]he door on yo[C]u.
We take a [Asus4]walk along the dirty [C]lake.
Hear the goose,
[Asus4]cussing at me over her e[C]ggs.
You poor little [Asus4]cousin.
I don't want your [C]dregs
(A little baby [Asus4]fussing all over my [C]legs).
There is a bl[Am]acksmith,
and there is a shepherd,
and there is a butcher-boy,
and there is a b[C]arber, who's cutting
and cutting away at my only joy.
I saw a[Am] rabbit,
as slick as a knife,
and as pale as a candlestick,
and I had t[C]hought it'd be harder to do,
but I caught her, and skinned her quick:
held her there,
[Am]kicking and mewling,
upended, unspooling, unsung and blue;
told her "[C]wherever you go,
little runaway bunny,
I will find you."
And then she [Am]ran,
as they're liable to [C]do.
Be at peace, [Asus4]baby, and b[C]egone.
Asus4, C to fade

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