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Freedom  Jason Upton

Freedom - Jason Upton
tabbed by: Wilber
tuning: standard
Verse 1
B[F#]ack in the B[A]ible there w[D]as an o[E]ld Ph[F#]aroh
Who r[F#]uled over Eg[A]ypt and [D]Is-[E]ra-[F#]el
G[F#]od spoke to M[A]oses through f[D]ired [E]up b[F#]ushes
said, "K[F#]ick off your sh[A]oes and st[D]ay [E]a wh[F#]ile."
"[B]All of h[C]umanity w[C#]as made [D]to worship me, Ph[Eb]aroh get out of My w[F]ay!"
F[F#]re-ed[A]o-[D]-m t[E]o d[F#]ance
F[F#]re-ed[A]o-[D]-m t[E]o s[F#]ing
F[F#]re-ed[A]o-[D]-m t[E]o g[F#]row
I'm t[F#]elling you Ph[A]araoh let G[D]ods p[E]eople [F#]go!
( Tab from: )
W[F#]orship now, W[A]orship now, W[D]orship y[E]our G[F#]od
W[F#]orship now, W[A]orship now, W[D]orship y[E]our G[F#]od
W[F#]orship now, W[A]orship now, W[D]orship y[E]our G[F#]od
W[F#]orship now, W[A]orship now, W[D]orship y[E]our G[F#]od
Verse 2:
W[F#]ell, we live in a c[A]ountry suppo[D]sedly P[E]harao[F#]hless
B[F#]ut all over [A]town and in [D]churche[E]s abi[F#]de
P[F#]owerful week[A]lings who pr[D]actice [E]they're p[F#]olitics
S[F#]tealing from J[A]esus his b[D]eutiful[E] br[F#]ide
Wh[B]ether you're[C] Pharisees, S[C#]adducees, h[D]eresies[Eb] You best get outta God's [F#]way!
(verse 2)

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A B C C# D E Eb F F#
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