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Black Velvet Band  The Irish Rovers

3/4 Time Strum: Base Down Down
Her [G]eyes they [G]shone like the [G]diamonds[G]
You'd [G]think she was [G]queen of the [D7]land[D7]
And her [G]hair hung [G]over her [Em]shoulder[Em]
Tied [C]up with a [D7]black velvet [G]band.[G]
In a [G]neat little [G]town they call [G]Belfast[G]
Ap[G]prenticed to [G]trade I was [D7]bound[D7]
And [G]many an [G]hour's sweet [Em]happiness[Em]
I [C]spent in that [D7]neat little [G]town.[G]
Till [G]bad mis[G]fortune came [G]o'er me[G]
That [G]caused me to [G]stray from the [D7]land[D7]
Far a[G]way from me [G]friends and rel[Em]ations[Em]
To [C]follow the [D7]black velvet [G]band.[G]
Well, [G]I was out [G]strolling one [G]evening[G]
Not [G]meaning to [G]go very [D7]far[D7]
When I [G]met with a [G]pretty young [Em]damsel[Em]
Who was [C]selling her [D7]trade in the [G]bar.[G]
When a [G]watch, she [G]took from a [G]customer[G]
And [G]slipped it right [G]into my [D7]hand[D7]
G G Em Em
Then the Watch came and put me in prison
Bad [C]luck to her [D7]black velvet [G]band.[G]
Next [G]morning be[G]fore judge and [G]jury[G]
For a [G]trial I [G]had to ap[D7]pear[D7]
And the [G]judge, he [G]said, "You young [Em]fellows...[Em]
The [C]case against [D7]you is quite [G]clear[G]
And [G]seven long [G]years is your [G]sentence[G]
You're [G]going to [G]Van Dieman's [D7]Land[D7]
Far a[G]way from your [G]friends and rel[Em]ations[Em]
To [C]follow the [D7]black velvet [G]band.[G]
So [G]come all you [G]jolly young [G]fellows[G]
I'd [G]have you take [G]warning by [D7]me[D7]
When[G]ever you're [G]out on the [Em]liquor, me [Em]lads,
Be[C]ware of the [D7]pretty Coll[G]een.[G]
She'll [G]fill you with [G]whiskey and [G]porter[G]
Un[G]til you're not [G]able to [D7]stand[D7]
And the [G]very next [G]thing that you'll [Em]know, me [Em]lads,
You're [C]landed in [D7]Van Dieman's [G]Land.[G]

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C D7 Em G
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