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Louie  Ida Maria

Ida Maria - Louie
you should probably use a capo somewhere
I just got a wa[F]rning and I know I know
I know I'm always d[F]runk as drunk as can be
But I wo[G]nder, Lo[Dm]uie, have you got r[F]oom for me
I just w[G]onder Lo[Dm]uie, have you got ro[F]om for me
I just got a war[F]ning and I know and I know
I know I'm always dr[F]unk as drunk as can be
But I wo[G]nder, Lo[Dm]uie, have you got r[F]oom for me
I just w[G]onder Lo[Dm]uie, have you got ro[F]om for me
I just got a war[F]ning and I know and I know
They gonna throw me o[F]ut when the morning comes
And I wo[G]nder Lo[Dm]uie - have you got ro[F]om for me
I just w[G]onder L[Dm]ouie - have you got r[F]oom for me
[C]Oh, nobody k[F]now
[C]Why some are b[F]orn
[C]With empty ho[F]les
[C]Like twistd so[F]uls
I just got a war[F]ning and I know and I know
I know I'm always dr[F]unk as drunk as can be
But I wo[G]nder, Lo[Dm]uie, have you got r[F]oom for me
I just w[G]onder Lo[Dm]uie, have you got ro[F]om for me

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